**** OcUK Secret Santa 2014 - Signup & Discussion Thread ****

Sorry guys, as already said I'm stupidly busy at work and where I'm working has very little 3G signal!
Any scrooges will be dealt with, I'm hoping there's none of that this year.
It's getting to the point now where gifts should have been received. I need people to let me know in the thread by Thursday if they're still waiting for gifts so I can make a list and contact the bad elves!
Hang on, the last date for postage was ages ago?

Why can people not follow simple instructions, you agreed to these when you signed up...
Not just you macca, but I've had messages from people saying that they haven't posted on time for whatever reason and it simply isn't on. People have had enough notice to know when it should've been posted, if they can't stick to a simple deadline then don't participate - simples.
I'm sorry but I won't be organising this next year, with my workload I just haven't had the time to put in enough effort as I would've liked and it's frustrating when people can't follow basic instructions. #scrooge I don't care.
Stop trolling or banzor for Christmas.

MrMoonX - he's replied and going to chase it tomorrow as it was posted via his work through a courier.
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