*** OcUK Secret Santa UnWrap Thread 2017 ***

Rules broken confirmed. What are the repercussions for the rule break?
If your Christmas is so miserable that the best thing you can think of to do is complain about strangers' generosity to other strangers perhaps you should take part next year to make your Christmas that little bit more cheery.
I had more fun trying to work out what to get on a budget and spent more time thinking about it than I did on anyone other gift I've bought (had to buy for 7 kids, partner, parents, step parents, aunts etc)

Roll on next year!
Likewise, it was also the first gift I bought and received.

I have zero profile on here so don’t buy in to the idea that it’s all about showing off, no one spent silly amounts and from what I can see everyone received solid gifts in return so no one gained or lost out..

A few days ago I was wrongly sent a parcel which was meant for someone else, I did some stalking and tracked them down on Facebook so I could offer to repost it to them as it was meant to be a Christmas present. I was £4 out of pocket but they were chuffed to bits. I asked that they repay the random act of kindness whenever they’re next presented with an opportunity.

Now I’ll never see that person, ever, but it’s nice knowing you’ve made a difference to someone’s day.
@almoststew1990 thank you for the gifts they were just what i needed.
good work on the BMW coaster too. :)
happy xmas.

Guys can we lay off the arguing? It’s Christmas :(

its like youve been in my head...honestly Im over the moon. ty very much. updated with pics.


Haha, hopefully your allotment gets a lot of use in the coming years - I know nothing about alcohol and ales so sadly I couldn’t grab anything particularly amazing in that front however having a family of keen garden lovers I’m sure everything will come in useful!

Enjoy the squash, enjoy the allotment and enjoy the chill. Hopefully you get a break from work shortly and keep up the good work on the dieting front!
If your Christmas is so miserable that the best thing you can think of to do is complain about strangers' generosity to other strangers perhaps you should take part next year to make your Christmas that little bit more cheery.

So you're judging me? Very festive. I'm just trying to bring attention to the rules. I take what you said as a personal and hurtful attack on me. I think you should apologise for judging me.
You seem to be missing something, remember the message about checking inside the boxes for something! ;)

Oh wow, sorry I forgot the message and hadn't got the connect 4 open then. That is very kind of you and the bottle opener can sit in my wallet and will be well used! thanks so much. Way too generous!
If this thread and the OCUK SS make some people grouchy I'm sure we could arrange a short break so those affected could take the time to recuperate from the terror of realising that some people might over-spend past the guideline amount ;)
Oh wow, sorry I forgot the message and hadn't got the connect 4 open then. That is very kind of you and the bottle opener can sit in my wallet and will be well used! thanks so much. Way too generous!

Hope you can locate a bottle or two of your favourite tipple and the drinks are on me, merry Christmas!
Many thanks to Marky for my gifts of an emairates stadium street sign, mini Arsene Wenger and a nice card :)

I love the street sign. Got a little corner of my wall ready for that. The little figure will give something to scream abuse at when we lose. Hope you had a really great Christmas.

Good to see everyone so chuffed with their gifts.

Thanks for the gifts Pu7e, I know I'd have been challenging to buy for as I don't post as often as I used to but you were bang on the money. Massively appreciated :) I haven't checked back yet but I'm sure I had you either last year or the year before :)

Thanks again buddy :)


I have no
Cheers to my SS

You were a bugger to shop for. I was gonna get you a cycling book or a switch game, but had no idea if you had any of them already and couldn't figure out how to ask without giving the game away. Ended up taking a bit of a shot in the dark, despite stalking the hell out of you.
Just finished my Chistmas duties, been mad here, guests both days and full dinners done on both.

Another big thanks to @Homer-Simpson, i did get your trust yesterday with a £20 voucher for steam many thanks for that :D i will defo spend this sale

Also picture of gifts as promised, top draw

If anybody likes hot foods this chocolate is ideal

Untitled by Ross c, on Flickr
I was really wanting to get online yesterday to post my unwrap however travelling around to family meant I didn't get chance.

My parcel arrived a couple of weeks ago, in a very festive brown and red polka-dot paper outer:


I was informed anonymously that I could open the first layer at which point I found a second festive red and silver striped wrap and a nice Christmas card with a note inside:



I decided to save it until the big day and so it's been sat under our tree for a few weeks. It's been really teasing me and my 8-month old son Toby. He has been clambering all over it whenever he got near.

Finally, we could open it! Toby couldn't keep his eyes or hands off:


Upon opening we were greeted with an amazing array of colours. The whole box was stuffed to the rafters with ribbon, party poppers, haribo, sweets, and wrapped parcels to unwrap. I genuinely think that this was the most fun present that I've ever had. It was great rummaging through it all to see what we could find. Unfortunately through all the excitement, I failed to get a photo of it all together but snapped some of my son exploring it all:



I did get one all the contents lined up:


I'm completely overwhelmed by the generosity, Robocod absolutely nailed what I like and need. Thinking about each present in turn:

- Bosch Drill set. I've spent the past couple of years renovating our house which I'm sure is the inspiration for this. I actually have this exact same set which I got maybe 6-7 years ago and it genuinely is a brilliant bunch of stuff. Over time I've lost loads of the bits though and the rest have gone blunt or just look a bit of a mess. I was therefore thrilled to have a brand new set as I know how good it all is. I've still got lots of jobs to do including possibly building a shed in the summer and so this is going to get tonnes of use.

- Famous grouse set. There was a nice note accompanying this explaining that Robocod thought I was into whisky and would have liked to get me something more if the budget had a allowed. Indeed I do love my Whisky and this set alone would have been more than enough. Great choice of gift.

- Two chicken marinades (Nando's and Wahaca) - I made a thread over the summer about how best to marinade chicken which I assume was the inspiration for this. I can't wait to give them a go, especially the Wahaca one as we've been to their restaurant in Manchester recently and loved the food. If I can get it even close to that then we'll be very pleased.

- A tonne of Haribo and other sweets - Cannot go wrong with these. Toby was all over these in an instant, I had to recover bags from all over the living room where he'd been carrying them about.

Last of all, two of the presents (raindeer antlers and nose + drinking straw glasses) had labels challenging me to wear them and post a pic:


I'm definitely not one to disappoint so here we go:


Thank you very much Robocod, what a fantastic thing to receive. The effort that you'd put in really showed. I think I'm going to rethink presents that I give other people on the back of receiving this too.
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