*OcUK Silverstone Supercar500 Camping Meet*

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TinkerBell said:
TBH i would have never guessed, but im glad you had such a brilliant time:)
How was it for you?

The weekend that is.

The ideas about me in Elliot's head are scary.
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Right people its picture time!


Goliath said:
Some of my pics:


(it wasn't the truck, more what was in it ;) )

Nothing like the fresh smell of racing fuel in the morning to wake you up, that quad that went past us with the army cans on smelled amazing but not as amazing as the ferrari tent!
AcidHell2 said:
What the hell happend to that :confused: did you have your beer googles on?

Quote of the weekend
"I've lost control of my pork pie"
Beer Goggles were places over the Camera's lens.
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