OcUK Southwest Meet - Get Your Names In!

With some help from FincH on MSN, i've sorted it.

I've had to book, and have got a table for 25-30 people, 30 maximum. To save time, i'll try and get an idea of the menu, so people can see beforehand. :)

Rough Idea of the menu, its all generally normal pub food:)

Soups & Sandwiches
Ham, Egg & Chips
Steaks - Rump etc
Pies (Steak & Kidney etc)

that kind of food:)
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And my Nikon will complete the set, and my mini dv camcorder.

Damn you lot and the menu, i am tempted to do lunch now!!! but I have SO much to do.
Very doubtful I will be in the Cobra, looks like the storage facility wont be open this saturday :( and I have nowhere to put it if i get it early :(
Steaks - Rump etc

result. i will have a 10oz Rump with chips + mushrooms (extra) and onion rings please.


i am sorted bring on saturday :D
JaMMieDoDGer said:
Steaks - Rump etc

result. i will have a 10oz Rump with chips + mushrooms (extra) and onion rings please.


i am sorted bring on saturday :D

Cooked medium rare i hope :p

Good choice either way, roll on saturday :)
JaMMieDoDGer said:
medium to well done :P

love it like that, with loads of mushrooms, ok mouth starting to water


Barbarian :D

I used to know an Italian restaurant where their best steaks were just shown pictures of the grill :p The chef and owner has retired now, unfortunately :(

You need faith in the chef and his butcher for that though, and I wouldn't want to try it at most pubs!

There are never enough mushrooms :eek:

Alan Woodford
The weather's looking good to me. Either way I want the weather to be good as I'll either be on 2 wheels or in the hairdryer. :p

Acid - sorry to hear you won't make it - would have been good to see you again. Have fun! :)

Oh and Gojira - I'm with you on the steak front, but then again I am a froggy and I have quite a glamorous taste when it comes to food :p
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