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About time too! I was wondering when you'd be getting around to this.

I'm sure it will just grow and grow.

the range is set to expand over time. the custom graphics cards will be the main focal point as we will look to have a complete range when the next gen of cards come out.

all cards will be chosen for their warranty and OC capability. this way we ensure that the customer gets the best of everything.

We are currently in talks with MSI about reference design cards and warranty terms. all very exciting stuff :)

well done oc now you are really getting into some good proper pc stuff

thanks for the positive comments,
If you have ordered any of our Tech Lab gear, don't forget to put a review in on our website to tell us what you think of it! :)
Interesting idea. Some of them seemed a bit hyped up. You replaced the fans of the antec 1200, is that all? I'd like to think that anyone building a pc could do this them selves to be honest.
Interesting idea. Some of them seemed a bit hyped up. You replaced the fans of the antec 1200, is that all? I'd like to think that anyone building a pc could do this them selves to be honest.

Maybe so, but this service overall comes with giving you either convenience, enhanced product, silence, or performance options. Someone without knowledge like ourselves will appreciate this service, as easy as it sounds to us. I'm sure they will open this range to include more options/choices to suit a particular use so please give it more time.
Interesting idea. Some of them seemed a bit hyped up. You replaced the fans of the antec 1200, is that all? I'd like to think that anyone building a pc could do this them selves to be honest.

I do see your point. think of it from this viewpoint though, changing brake discs on a car is easy to me as I have experience doing it. but 50% of people or more would struggle with such a task.

its all relative and the demand for the cases with different fans has increased. the product suggestion forum shows that the demand for this service has increased.

we will also be looking into providing cases with silent fans such as the Gelid Silent 12 which really make a big difference.
The Antec 1200 case look so great in red lights! (instead of blue lights) but not sure if the Antec 1200 is new version case or still old version without USB3.0 ? And OCUK, where can I buy screws for motherboard into the case ? Any idea please
the cases we have on tech labs would be the latest versions unless stated otherwise.

if you need spares for your case, then i would assume contacting the manufacturer would be the best place to start as we don't carry spare parts sadly
I do see your point. think of it from this viewpoint though, changing brake discs on a car is easy to me as I have experience doing it. but 50% of people or more would struggle with such a task.

its all relative and the demand for the cases with different fans has increased. the product suggestion forum shows that the demand for this service has increased.

we will also be looking into providing cases with silent fans such as the Gelid Silent 12 which really make a big difference.

I understand what you're saying but in my opinion it is easier to change some fans than to mount a cpu heat sink and anyone buying a case is likely building it from scratch. So the point I'm making is that it seems like it's targeted at the wrong audience. A great idea for people wanting custom built pc's, I'm sure they would snap it up but personally I wouldn't pay someone to fit a load of fans in unless it was only like a tenner more and that's juts to save me some hassle, anyone who wants to cut down on the price would certainly start here. I haven't added up the price difference how ever.
Only just seen this, sounds a good idea :).

Obviously some of it is pointless for me as I'm quite capable of fitting fan myself :p (but I guess it would be good to get the case with only the good fans I want, rather than first having to bin the supplied naff fans), but watercooling is something I've always thought of but been too scared to do so having OcUK do it for me would be good :cool:.
I do see your point. think of it from this viewpoint though, changing brake discs on a car is easy to me as I have experience doing it. but 50% of people or more would struggle with such a task.

its all relative and the demand for the cases with different fans has increased. the product suggestion forum shows that the demand for this service has increased.

we will also be looking into providing cases with silent fans such as the Gelid Silent 12 which really make a big difference.

Cases with fans pre wired to a fan controller might be a good idea aswell?
If you're starting to do silent PCs etc, does that mean you'll start getting in things like PSUs from brands which focus on this, such as Nexus?
Cases with fans pre wired to a fan controller might be a good idea aswell?

Maybe, but if it's meant to make things simpler, then doesn't this overcomplicate matters for the normal user who also didn't want to change fans and simply get on with using their PC?

Currently, case fans are so quiet (below 20db) and efficient (above 40CFM up to 90CFM - 90CFM is below 29DB) at circulating hot air that using a controller to slow them down further wouldn't make a big deal of difference. Of course the option is there for a controller to reduce RPM as they're designed to reduce in voltage, but you'd also need a silenced GPU too with a passive heatsink such as the 5450 for normal desktop use if you crave silence. Beyond that, any further reduction to noise would be had through the quality choices of cases, foam, or watercooling options to reduce excess noise from performance PCs.
I've always thought of but been too scared to do so having OcUK do it for me would be good :cool:.

watercooling is nothing to be scared of, the recent boom we have seen in watercooling popularity has indicated that more and more enthusiasts are focussing on the aesthetics and acoustic performance of their systems. Rightly so, as a quiet PC that performs exceptionally well is surely the holy grail for all computing enthusiasts :p

Cases with fans pre wired to a fan controller might be a good idea aswell?

possibly. customising things too much however will put people off. we want a tech labs product to be a focal point of a customers system not the entire system itself. [unless they want to buy a XXX system :D]

If you're starting to do silent PCs etc, does that mean you'll start getting in things like PSUs from brands which focus on this, such as Nexus?

possibly, the popularity of our silent range is increasing all the time and as mentioned in the OP, additions to the range will be happening in time :)
watercooling is nothing to be scared of, the recent boom we have seen in watercooling popularity has indicated that more and more enthusiasts are focussing on the aesthetics and acoustic performance of their systems. Rightly so, as a quiet PC that performs exceptionally well is surely the holy grail for all computing enthusiasts :p

Would agree with this entirely,plus if you have a window to show the watercooling off - it adds a lot to the looks as well as quiet performance.
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