Thinking about it I may play if Commando is banned from being used same as the Noob tubes. Proper guns with no killstreaks actually sounds quite appealing, but as I said I just really cannot be arsed being stabbed 10x a game by Marathon, Lightweight and Commando with there being nothing I can do about it except camp in a corner with an AA-12.
If it won't be banned just ignore me.
This is quite weird looking at it while its being edited
Not watching this thread 24/7 fffsfsfss
Could make it 4 or 6 smaller teams, would be pretty cool.
What do the rest of you guys think? Is it worth me playing?
I should captain a no mic team "silent but violent"
the whole thing is about having fun,and i dont think you not using mic is gonna spoil it,or is this meant to be serious stuff?
Deno how you doing...........or should I say BRIAN!!!!!
MrLOL we need a rules list before the match please.
I propose everything normal except:
No grenade launchers/thumpers
No killstreaks
No commando (this one doesnt bother me as much as the other 2)