OcUK Xbox360 Modern Warfare 2 league

Does anybody have a date or timspan they can Never ever make ? ie like people who always play footbal till 9pm on Thursdays or whatever ...
Thinking about it I may play if Commando is banned from being used same as the Noob tubes. Proper guns with no killstreaks actually sounds quite appealing, but as I said I just really cannot be arsed being stabbed 10x a game by Marathon, Lightweight and Commando with there being nothing I can do about it except camp in a corner with an AA-12.

If it won't be banned just ignore me.

If anybody starts abusing it and doing nothing but Commando Pro all day long they wont be welcome.

This isnt the spirit of the game.

This is exactly why we're playing on our own in a private match - to get away from that public game mentality whereby anything goes to get a killstreak. We're going to try to play this properly.

Was trying to think of another way of differentiating between people with the same score - but been as its not serious it wont harm for them just to be tied.
I'm here

Had lots of stuff going on past 2 days so not really had chance to get on the net.

Right, are we agreed we are going to have this first game on monday then ? I'll be available from 22:00 onwards, but if people want to start sooner without me thats fine ..
Not watching this thread 24/7 fffsfsfss


hehe thats my 7 year old son playing Harry Potter on my xbox lol
Could make it 4 or 6 smaller teams, would be pretty cool.

only problem with that is attendance.

Makes it harder to get people to play when you need 6 specific people to turn up. If 2 out of 6 dont turn up, you spend ages waiting around and end up not playing.

Good thing about the big teams is that there should always be enough to make a game out of it.
right i think we've left this a bit late to have our first match Monday So i think we best move it slightly.

I'm off out with work on Tuesday so how Does Wednesday 21:00 suit everybody ? Domination on Afghan at 21:00 then maybe a S&D map afterwards ? sound ok with everybody ?

I've removed alrik as he's traded it in and altered the teams to suit.
What do the rest of you guys think? Is it worth me playing?


There could potentially be 7 other people on your team.

Voicecomm chatter is going to be severe for these types of game so unless your a particularly vocal sort you wont get a word in edgeways.

Give it a try, however it is much better with a mic. Guarantee you'll be off to ebay to find a cheap one after you've spent a couple of games with us ;)

I should captain a no mic team "silent but violent"

i think this runs the risk of dieing a death if people dont turn up. If we separate it into 6 man teams - all it takes is for 4 people on one team to not turn up and it no longer becomes worth playing. If we are playing a 8 vs 4 game however, we can easily move 2 across and make it 6v6 so we can actually play.
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the whole thing is about having fun,and i dont think you not using mic is gonna spoil it,or is this meant to be serious stuff?

its only for fun - but the aim is to play it seriously so that people get a good game playing as a team, as opposed to just messing about using noob tubes etc..
I propose everything normal except:

No grenade launchers/thumpers
No killstreaks
No commando (this one doesnt bother me as much as the other 2)

along the lines of what i was thinking

if we think it can benefit from more we can do that next week. Its not pro or anything so we chop/change at will.
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