Oculus Rift with glasses??

22 Sep 2008
I'm looking at getting an Oculus Rift for racing games and I haven't been to a shop to try one out yet, but does anyone use glasses with their Rift?

Is it uncomfortable?

Do the glasses fit in fairly easily?
Depends if your wearing hipster style glasses or not, mine aren't the biggest frames and fit under ok.
My normal glasses were too big to fit.
I investigated the inserts, which unfortunately weren't available when I first bought my Rift. Right now, couldn't help but notice that they're far from cheap.
In the end, went to Specsavers, paid just £25 for a basic frame with small round lenses and bought prescription lenses with no coatings, as after all, they're only going to be used with my rift.
They work splendidly.
bought prescription lenses with no coatings, as after all, they're only going to be used with my rift.
They work splendidly.

The anti glare may be better, so the light emitted from the Rifts's lenses does not reflect off the prescription lenses

Off to the Specsavers later on today. It appears they now do multifocal contact lenses which i never knew existed
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Nowadays you can print a holder and buy lens from places like Zenni for about £30 i think
My glasses were too big and was touching the oculus lens sometimes so i got a set from widmvr i think it was,not cheap @about £65 i think they were
Thanks for all the responses. Seems as though I might just have to see what its like when it gets here and consider some lenses from VR lens or widmvr. £65 isn't a lot in the grand scheme of PC gaming!
I bought the WidmoVR lenses. They completely transformed my use of the Rift, much easier to get on and off.

The Oculus Go is much more comfortable with glasses than the Rift - I've not needed to buy prescription inserts for my Go, which bodes well for the Rift 2 whenever that appears.
My normal glasses were too big to fit.
I investigated the inserts, which unfortunately weren't available when I first bought my Rift. Right now, couldn't help but notice that they're far from cheap.
In the end, went to Specsavers, paid just £25 for a basic frame with small round lenses and bought prescription lenses with no coatings, as after all, they're only going to be used with my rift.
They work splendidly.
I did this too.
They fit fine and they're comfortable enough, but I find they can fog up, but that happened with the rift anyway. I'd be tempted to try the inserts if they were easier to get and cheaper.
I just use daily disposable contact lenses whenever I feel like playing. Minimal hassle.
Never liked the idea of contacts tbh
Question though--do you need contacts for distance or reading?
I use glasses for reading and a different pair for TV(same spec for rift inserts as TV)
i.e. are the contacts you use near or far if you get me?
Never liked the idea of contacts tbh
Question though--do you need contacts for distance or reading?
I use glasses for reading and a different pair for TV(same spec for rift inserts as TV)
i.e. are the contacts you use near or far if you get me?

From this it looks like you'd need an intermediate prescription, rather than distance or reading...
Distance lenses work fine for me for the Rift - it's a 2m focal distance as far as I know, and the WidmoVR lenses I have are distance ones. For the Go with it's 1.3m distance I have to use my computer glasses which have an approx 1m focal distance.
I use glasses for distance and wear them all the time. I also have contact lenses, which I wear when I'm going out or exercise/cycling. I can't wear contact lenses when looking at screens and tvs, its just too uncomfortable for me, so I don't think they'd be suited for the Rift, at least not for long periods of time, plus each time I want to play with the Rift I'd have put my lenses in (dailies) and I'd be wasting a pair each time.
My contacts are -8 / -7 and i think my glasses around -10 . Contacts all the way for me but then I can't see past the end of my nose without, and my glasses lenses are thicker than magnifying glasses. I found the limitation is the width of the frame (ear to ear) rather than depth. I need to get a special price for the special lenses, if I ever have to give up contacts I expect I'll go that way.
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