Off topic thread

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17 Dec 2009
Is it about time Motors had a public off topic thread for discussing things outside of threads that have a topic that is being derailed? I for one am absolutely gutted I do not have some where to gloat about recent events.
I think it's a brilliant idea, but aren't certain people going to moan and suggest that we go to G.D for general banter?
As far as people moaning about taking it to GD, off topic car chat would not be suitable in GD, and lets face it, that's the heart of all the motors banter as it is, it is just ruining other threads at the moment.
Unfortunately this thread will be trolled/locked.

Unfortunately indeed. A bit of trolling would be fine, its all fun and games, but there is a serious idea here and I think its something the mods should consider.

Also making me a mod, that should be top priority over anything else.

Oh totally, except it would come in the form of mod challenges.

So for instance twoblacklines latest nonsense thread, I would have set him a challenge from the offset, "prove yourself within the next 48 hours to a reasonable level of satisfaction or you get suspended for 2 weeks"

Spice motors up a bit, keep people on their toes, get the dross out.
But anyway, this is not my Hurfdurf for mod thread (there isn't one yet, I'm still taking donations and garnering support), this is a thread on whether or not we should have an off topic thread, so can we please keep it on topic, or not, what ever, it's all good.
Unfortunately indeed. A bit of trolling would be fine, its all fun and games, but there is a serious idea here and I think its something the mods should consider.

True, bit of trollin' never hurt anyone. I just can't see the mods keeping it about though as any talk of closed threads usually just get met with more closed threads. :(
I don't have a problem with it tbh, as long as everyone remains humble and polite to one another (needless to say) :)
I've met a lot of you and know that you're a sound bunch of guys. Well, most of you...

hurfdurf, you're a long way off mod material yet though :p
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