Offensive T-shirt

Not sure of the exact wordings, but I believe the pigs can nick you under public order laws for something they think might incite violence/cause offence contrary to the law etc. So, being warned about that by a rent-a-cop would be fine by me.
I got loads like that "I have AIDS" I get loads of disgusted looks, it's funny even though it's kinda harsh. I've seen someone with one "I have cancer" I drew the line there.
Tribune said:
Not sure of the exact wordings, but I believe the pigs can nick you under public order laws for something they think might incite violence/cause offence contrary to the law etc. So, being warned about that by a rent-a-cop would be fine by me.

Public Order Act 1986 Section 4A/5 off the top of my head. It means you can't display anything that is threatening and/or abusive and/or insulting.

(FYI, section 5 alos means you can't swear in public)
I have the 'Vestal Masturbation' t-shirt which features a Nun pleasuring herself with a crucifix. Years ago, I got stopped by the clueless police and told to either take it off or turn it inside out as it's offensive and blasphemous!

I refused!
pitchfork said:
I got loads like that "I have AIDS" I get loads of disgusted looks, it's funny even though it's kinda harsh. I've seen someone with one "I have cancer" I drew the line there.

and the difference is..... :confused:

where do you get those t-shirts? :D
If you saw someone walking around with this:


Would you be offended?

If you saw someone walking around with this:


Would you be offended?

I'td be very likely that 100% of the people wearing the top t-shirt would be fined or arrested. The second t-shirt wouldn't have any penalty. Love the UK eh?
Form the wording of the article he sounds ****** off. The T-Shirt clearly doesn’t work. :p
Errm... does that mean if I wear a T-Shirt from French Connection that says

Too Tired to FCUK

it is offensive, because researchers have proven that people can read even when letters in words are jumbled up but start and finishes with the same letters?
jdickerson said:

Public Order Act 1986 Section 4A/5 off the top of my head. It means you can't display anything that is threatening and/or abusive and/or insulting.

(FYI, section 5 alos means you can't swear in public)

BUT, according to the actual wording, you can only be guilty of the "Fear or provocation of violence" if it is done with intent. Wearing a jokey T-shirt is NOT intent by anyones stretch of imagination

The problem is that Section 5 is relative to whom it affects, so saying the same thing to two different people could bring about arrest or nothing....

stupid law said:
The Public Order Act 1986, Section 5 states:

(1) A person is guilty of an offence if he: (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby.
Baz said:
BUT, according to the actual wording, you can only be guilty of the "Fear or provocation of violence" if it is done with intent. Wearing a jokey T-shirt is NOT intent by anyones stretch of imagination

The problem is that Section 5 is relative to whom it affects, so saying the same thing to two different people could bring about arrest or nothing....
What if the copper takes offence? He's the affected one...
I find the t-shirt funny, but I'm sorry to say I'm shocked by the amount of people on here who can't see what's wrong with it.

I'd be VERY annoyed if my daughter turned round to me and said "Dad, what does **** mean?".

99.9% of people are ****** off with this country and how the kids have no morals, etc, etc, yet in the same breath are allowing these t-shirts to be worn without repocusions.

Adult worded t-shirt should be shown in an adult place, the work force, at home, a private adult bar-b-que. In public where anyone can see it, sorry, but no. The guy was a fool for thinking he'd get away with it.
~J~ said:
I find the t-shirt funny, but I'm sorry to say I'm shocked by the amount of people on here who can't see what's wrong with it.

I'd be VERY annoyed if my daughter turned round to me and said "Dad, what does **** mean?".

99.9% of people are ****** off with this country and how the kids have no morals, etc, etc, yet in the same breath are allowing these t-shirts to be worn without repocusions.

Adult worded t-shirt should be shown in an adult place, the work force, at home, a private adult bar-b-que. In public where anyone can see it, sorry, but no. The guy was a fool for thinking he'd get away with it.
You do know the word was the p word? I hear that word on the radio in the morning.... which kids can listen to.
jdickerson said:
You do know the word was the p word? I hear that word on the radio in the morning.... which kids can listen to.

Yes I know what word it is. didn't realise it was on the radio, sorry about that, must be all ok then.
I do actually find the French Connection t-shirts offensive and, in fact, the entire re-branding that was done.

Years ago, an acquaintance of mine wore a fido dido shirt that said, "Spliff up or French Connection off!" When told by a policeman to take it off, he replied: "What! You can read?" and promptly got arrested.
MikeTimbers said:
I do actually find the French Connection t-shirts offensive and, in fact, the entire re-branding that was done.

A while back I painted myself a t-shirt that said:


I didn't wear that one to church... My mum was quite shocked when she ironed it one day.
MikeTimbers said:
Years ago, an acquaintance of mine wore a fido dido shirt that said, "Spliff up or French Connection off!" When told by a policeman to take it off, he replied: "What! You can read?" and promptly got arrested.

...and what's so illegal about wearing that? The copper was in the wrong for asking him to remove it and even more in the wrong for arresting him over asking a simple question!
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