*** Offical Monopoly City Streets Thread ***

Yea gave that a go but with a chance card on the screen it didn't let me click the info button on one of my houses, kinda crap!

Gonna start selling the cheaper houses and putting better ones on, did that to fill the road so somone needs to bulldoze then hazard.

Anyones friends list broken? Mine won't load.
It's much quicker now. Click buy streets or your properties and it brings up the results straight away.

Have also got my first 2 chance cards in quick succession. 1 was to pay 60k to M$ and the other was a bonus building.
Nope, gone. Anyway, I got a stadium and built it on the same street. That cancelled it out :) I now have a power station and a stadium. :p. Now I will just have to wait to demolish it.
What's your strategy?
Since we announced the reset, the feedback has been encouraging, thanks for sticking with us over the last 3 days or so. What's encouraging is that people LOVE the game and are enjoying their property magnate personas.

We have been working in the background to iron out problems and will announce the date of the reset once we're comfortable with the sites performance. In the mean time we recommend that you keep playing to develop your strategy. Play, negotiate, win!.. Let us know how you're getting on....

Friday, September 11, 2009
The big question.


That's the answer to everyone's question about whether or not we are going to restart the game. Once we are comfortable with how the game is performing we will reset the game.

We are expecting that it will be in the middle of next week. We will give everyone at least 24 hours notice before we make the switch. Stay tuned for more details.

Because of the problems and the vote on the blog it will be reset. Just use it as a learning curve and create several accounts to learn how to maximise starting profit in teh first few days.
@Acidhell2 - I read the demolition rule as meaning the street and everything on it is protected by the bonus building (including the bonus building).

Also cheap houses have two benefits, they bring in 100% rent and if you build a lot of houses you get more chance cards. Also if you fill your street no one can build any nasties! However as you say later in the game you will be wanting more rent so sell them back to te bank (for half price I think).

Has anyone got any proof of the other questionable rule - that of the closer roads give a benfit?
^ maybe the above is something they have yet to 'iron' out? Might become a proper feature after the game is reset. Well, least thats what I'm hoping for.
Because of the problems and the vote on the blog it will be reset. Just use it as a learning curve and create several accounts to learn how to maximise starting profit in teh first few days.

Sod it then, i'm not playing just now.

Yes thats unfair to the people who didn't stick out the crap performance, but it is to those who did. An if they are just going to sack it all in a few months...
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