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**Official 3DMark 'Fire Strike' Leaderboard**

ok the setting that affecting this is `select unofficial overclocking, WITHOUT powerplay support and hit apply` with this set to disabled the power limit is saved properly
yep my physics score drops as well, for some reason it stops the power limit i set it too though very odd, what driver you using?

in amd control panel if i set the power to 50% it change to 0 straight away when that setting in afterburner without power play support is selected
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yep my physics score drops as well, for some reason it stops the power limit i set it too though very odd, what driver you using?

Put it back to "without powerplay", restart, apply your afterburner overclock, make sure the PWRlimit is @50% in afterburner, hit apply, then, CCC and set PWRlimit to 50% in there apply, i've found that when you apply an overclock in afterburner, it's resets the same thing in CCC, before running the benchmark make sure it's Set properly in CCC.

Weird :S. Not that I'm complaining :D If you get to the bottom of it you'll smash my reference cards :D

Your days are number Frosty!:D
Put it back to "without powerplay", restart, apply your afterburner overclock, make sure the PWRlimit is @50% in afterburner, hit apply, then, CCC and set PWRlimit to 50% in there apply,

This is what i have done and in ccc change the power limit to 50 and apply it and it jumps back to 0?

hold on i think its stuck at last lol will bench now
done quite a few more runs and since changing those settings the graphics score has dropped as you can see above, but the physics looks better.

i have restarted a few times yes, wonder if asus gpu tweak is hindering msi afterburner for some reason? but i get even better graphics score with asus gpu tweak.

pics on way

Have you tried just using GPU Tweak?
Sorry to do this in the middle of your problem sorting. Tried 1207/1526 on 290 with disabled ULPS. Gained me a few 10's in score :) ( and 4 places on the leaderboard), to give me 10491. My CPU also seems to be doing well, considering. And I'm pretty sure this isn't the highest physics score. Maybe if the stars align one day, then I may break 10500+. :)


I may have to keep posting these marginal increases (sorry Greg :P) as the faster I can launch 3dmark after booting, the better my scores are, at least that's my hypothesis.

EDIT: Updated score in my post later
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ok here is my newest attempt, cant get 1200 without artifacts.


Nice, unfortunately I am in the majority of sapphire 290's who can't unlock, but I can see it gives some increases. Do you ever change aux mV, and can someone explain to me what this should be set to? Also a tip, don't run AB whilst running this, I found it can take a few FPS, and therefore can affect the scores.
Nice, unfortunately I am in the majority of sapphire 290's who can't unlock, but I can see it gives some increases. Do you ever change aux mV, and can someone explain to me what this should be set to? Also a tip, don't run AB whilst running this, I found it can take a few FPS, and therefore can affect the scores.

I have never changed the aux mv no.
Does anyone know why I get a considerable less score on Icestorm and cloudgate and a lesser score on firestrike than jupiter_man?

Jupiter_man = http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/1798260

Me = http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/1801908

They are very similar spec systems although my CPU is better and has a bigger overclock but I still get less on graphics and physics, I'm very confused :(

Do my graphics scores look poor for my setup?
Tried something a little different. my 2600k @ 4400 this time, with my 290 at 1200/1576.

Graphics Score 12534
Physics Score 11046
Combined Score 4785


Not bad. I may be able to squeeze some more out of both my cpu and gpu though. I look at the leaderboard and think 'If only I did a little better'.
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Does anyone know why I get a considerable less score on Icestorm and cloudgate and a lesser score on firestrike than jupiter_man?

Jupiter_man = http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/1798260

Me = http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/1801908

They are very similar spec systems although my CPU is better and has a bigger overclock but I still get less on graphics and physics, I'm very confused :(

Do my graphics scores look poor for my setup?

Your GFX scores are fine but your CPU scores are very low and very low for that clock of 4.5. I would expect at least 8k points for that clock. I would add a touch more voltage to the core, as something isn't quite right with that :)
Does anyone know why I get a considerable less score on Icestorm and cloudgate and a lesser score on firestrike than jupiter_man?

Jupiter_man = http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/1798260

Me = http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/1801908

They are very similar spec systems although my CPU is better and has a bigger overclock but I still get less on graphics and physics, I'm very confused :(

Do my graphics scores look poor for my setup?

Your GFX scores are fine but your CPU scores are very low and very low for that clock of 4.5. I would expect at least 8k points for that clock. I would add a touch more voltage to the core, as something isn't quite right with that :)

The graphics scores on Icestorm and cloudgate look considerably lower (I know this is a firestrike thread, just pointing it out)

I bought a bundle from overclockers, it was all pre-overclocked and was perfect. It seems now I am getting a lower physics score.

Recently went from windows 8 to 8.1, could it be that?
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