*******Official Armed Assault 2 thread of official officialness*******

28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Its official because I made it. Now with added *******.

Armed Assault 2
Release Date: 19/06/2009

Official Website Link
Official Forums Link

Weapons Lists
Vehicle Lists

Minimum System Requirements:

* Windows XP / Vista
* Dual-Core CPU
* 512 MB Ram
* Graphics card with 256 MB-VRam and Shader Model 3.0 support

Recommended System Requirements

* Windows XP / Vista
* Quad-Core CPU
* 1 GB Ram
* Graphics card with 512 MB-VRam and Shader Model 3.0 support

Nieldo's System Requirements

* Supercomputer from the future.


Graphics are looking nice, especially the plane cockpit, I hope the detail carrys over to the rest of the vehicles. One of my concerns was that it would be low qual same as in ArmA 1.

The land seems mostly flat though, that might make engagements very quick, and Im in the mood for some long tactical firefights as Ive been watching Ross Kemp in Afghanistan. We need some ditches to hide in.

As long as the AI is up to scratch and there is a nice easy way to control them it should be good. I think the singleplayer campaign is just you and 3-4 other members of your squad, but on custom missions/stand alone single player missions you can either control a whole squad (16 men I think) or control multiple squads using the new command interface. Something long overdue.
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28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
A preview posted on the armaholic website, there was a recent press event in london showing off ArmA2.


The part of ArmA2 Im really looking forward to:

Command System
Following on from the interface changes, you now have the ability to control large groups of AI. The method we were shown was frankly one of the most impressive parts of the demo and there were lots of "WOW" moments.

If you are the commander (and have the rights to control other groups) it is possible to switch to a new command option. This replaces your current team icons with those of the other teams and sections under your command. The application we were shown was an armoured infantry assault on a town with Cobra support. The teams/assets were represented by the NATO standard icons. You can make your AI teams follow complex paths into an objective very easily now by "stacking" waypoints for each section to follow. You can then click on each waypoint (as you would in the mission editor) and assign criteria. eg speed/awareness etc to each point. You can even drag and edit these waypoints on the fly.

The implication of this is pretty easy to see. Its now possible for one player to dynamically and effectively command a large AI force with ease. Making the use of AI in both SP and MP missions far easier. The impact of the new command system will be huge. Suddenly ArmA 2 has some proper real time strategy (RTS) possibilities.
28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
A preview posted 2 days ago on Videogamer.com


Provides a nice little summery of the storyline for the campaign.

the game’s plot deals with the political problems of Chernarus – a fictional Soviet country in the middle of a bloody civil war. A democratic party has just won the island’s national elections, much to the irritation of the Chedaki – the local Communist nationalists. In a nutshell, the whole scenario devolves into a hotpot of conflict between several rival factions: The Chernarussian army, the commie insurgents, a separate group of guerrillas, the Russian armed forces and finally the good ol’ United States Marine Core. In the campaign, you’ll take control of Razor Team – a five-man recon outfit who form part of the US presence in the area. Initially you’ll just be following orders from your commanding officers, but later on things will get a bit more complicated – leaving you to decide exactly how you’re involved with the battle for Chernarus.

Also the campaign itself sounds pretty damn nice. Especialy after the total disapointment that ArmA's singleplayer campaign was.

From what I can tell, it seems as if Razor Team ends up being something of an independent force. After an initial set of missions that introduce you to the controls and the many ways of doing things, you’ll eventually lose contact with the rest of the USMC and have to look out for yourselves. Even in its early stages, the game will offer a huge degree of openness: your mission briefings will essentially form a list of things to do in one part of Chernarus’ massive 225 km square map, but it’ll be up to you to decide how you sort these tasks. At first you’ll be given fairly decent information as to what’s going on, but as time moves on you’ll eventually have to secure your own intel via recon missions and by interrogating local civilians (assuming you’ve not ****ed them off by killing innocents).

From what I gather you start out taking orders and completing standard missions, and as he says there you lose contact with your commanders and have to start putting together you own missions and intel. Then later on it turns into an RTS where you fight for land.

Sounds really damn good.
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28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Walker@ArmA forums said:
ArmA II MP Deathmatch by Morpheus600

ArmA II UH1 and the Aircraft Carrier by LukeMadDogX

Gfx look good. Deathmatch this game was made for not.

Edit: ohh man at the end of the deathmatch vid he pulled out a ghillied up sniper rifle. I want this game!

Some more gameplay videos:

General Gameplay - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K80ilSsYT5Y
Ai test I think, player gets supressed. They could do with adding a few different bullet crack sound effects. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba87Rr-F6os
Video of a M1A1 tank firing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skNvJJLiJo8
Video showing the day night cycle - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzmbFOtRaJk

All taken from the thread over on ArmA2 forums - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73112
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28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Im going to have to wait till the 19th :(

Yes it will have bugs, some of them big. But they will be fixed, from what I have seen its a better release then Armed Assault 1 and that is perfectly playable now.
28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Compared to Armed Assault 1's release state its looking pretty good. Of course theres bugs, but there will be patches. Its not even officially released in UK yet.

I'm looking forward to evolution on this, the atmosphere looks fantastic ingame, the ambient sound adds so much.

Going to try my hand at mission making this time round as well.
28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doZwCWwAj-Q

When they are moving through the village the friendly forces seem to make good use of cover, and they seem to cover each other moving forward. The enemy does seem a little uncoordinated but when he splits off and chases one around the corner it seems he came around behind him and almost killed him :).

That said the helicopter ride was a bit dodgy, also, ENEMY man TO our FRONT!

Edit: Love the lighting effects on this MLRS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgVSJcveA4g
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28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
[TW]Fox;14185282 said:
Ok guys I'm hovering over the buy button. Will we be disadvantaged in the future if we buy the German version now? Will we be forever having language pack/patch issues when they release a new patch?

Or is literally the only downside the fact you have to pay an extra tenner for it?

I think the plan is to eventualy patch all the versions and make them all identical to each other. Not sure language wise though.
28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
1500 unit battle video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KK6Fo3Y0AU

Been playing games for going on twenty years and that is just about the best game footage ive ever seen. Big Opflash and Arma fan and im so ridiculously excited about this game, as with previous efforts im sure it'll take the devs/community a while to get things into shape but christ is this game looking sweet :D.

WOW, that looks fantastic, the lighting effects on the explosions and fire, lighting up the smoke and the ground, it looks perfect. It looks like the OFP2 CGI videos! More then I can say for OFP2.
28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Is there anyway of getting the UK version yet from a digital supplier?

Not yet, only a week left though, two and a bit if your waiting for steam.

They plan to unite all the versions eventually, so if you gget that german download one now, later on they will patch it to be identicle with all other versions.
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