*******Official Armed Assault 2 thread of official officialness*******

28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Will buy on release if it gets 85+ reviews from the big boys,
does it have any online aspect ?

The online aspect is the best part of it. As many players as the server can handle if the mission allows for it. Right off the bat the main campaign is playable in coop mode.

The second strongest modding community of any game series, I would say elder scrolls ranks first. The amount of extra content, units, guns, vehicles, missions, new gameplay mechanics that will be made will give the game unlimited replayability.

As for the reviews, there will be a demo out so you can get a general grasp of the gameplay first hand.
28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Just been playing about in the editor, seeing how stealthy you can be with the AI. I setup a russian squad to head down this road in safe mode (weapons down, sort of patrol mode). Only their squad leader gets night vision so I had to remove him, no doubt he would have spotted me.

They didnt see me until I moved and made a bit of noise. Settings are low with a few medium settings thrown in.
28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
JMC quoting some idiotic post

That guy tries to make a point of it being aimed at the console market more then PC. He is so wrong, most of the things he talks about have been in since OFP :p

BIS are so amature sometimes, Im happy with ArmA2 because I knew what to expect. BIS are masters at delivering potential. If BIS released a turd in a box the modding community would polish and develop it into the best turd it could be.

Heres my current, and ever growing list of things I would like changing/fixing/adding to the game.
  1. A vegitation layer like the one in armed assault 1, at the moment all the pretty grass does is block your view when prone, it doesnt provide visual cover from enemys (AI maybe, I dont know, but other people can see you fine).
  2. Vehicle headlight texture cone things, kind of like the Left4Dead friendly torch floating texture thing.
  3. HDR toggle option in settings menu.
  4. Bloom toggle option in settings menu.
  5. Motion blur toggle option in settings menu.
  6. Tiredness blur wave toggle options in settings menu. When you sprint and get out of breath the screen goes slightly blurry and there is a wavey effect passing over the screen, the person who decided this should be in the game should be kicked in the nads.
  7. More in depth sound options in the audio menu. Speaker setup options, EAX options, VOIP options etc.
  8. At the moment you hear the gunshot before you hear the bullet crack, so sound travels faster then bullets, I think this is a bug to do with surround sound though, another reason to expand the audio options.
  9. Cars are to hard to control, remove the auto-centre steering or bring back the automatic head turning from Armed Assault 1.

That said there is no other game out there that will offer the same experience Armed assault 1 and 2 do. With the editor it is a true sandbox, you can make any mission you want if you know how to. It will provide almost unlimited replay-ability.
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28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Just been testing the patch, sadly they didnt add individual options in the video settings for blur, bloom and HDR. It all seems to turn off when disabled except for bloom, which is still active. Car steering is still pretty dodgy, seems unchanged.

Decided to up my settings a little bit and took some screenshots to show something which I think is needed as soon as possible, a vegetation layer like in armed assault 1. Something to mask enemy/friendly/neutral soldiers when they are prone on the ground but outside of your grass draw distance, these screenshots show what I mean, the closer you are, the harder it is to see him.

When prone like that he cant see you because hes got grass in his face, but as yo see in the first shot you can see him perfectly, and your the one stood up.
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28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
It all depends on the mission, and the objectives. One mission could be everyone packed into a small village for close quarters shootouts, the next one could be loong range tank warfare or sniper fights.

At the moment missions are still coming together. If you join an evolution server and ask for a lift to the current objective you will be in the action in no time.

Who is running that OCUK ArmA2 server?
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28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
Explain please. How do I set a waypoint in a single player scenario. You say use your GPS and compass. They just tell you where you are. I want to enter a waypoint so that I command my driver to go there. Cheers.

If your inside the same vehicle that you want to command to move, just open the map and click on the map where you want to go and the drive will move, that or he wiill get stuck in someones garden.
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