*** Official Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Thread ***

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What's that?

When a team has the majority of the flags on conquest the losing team loses tickets at a rate of 4 a minute. Which a lot of people think is too slow, as just having a good k: d makes more sense for the team. You can easily beat a team that holds all the flags for most of the game at the moment and many believe it shouldn't be that way.
When a team has the majority of the flags on conquest the losing team loses tickets at a rate of 4 a minute. Which a lot of people think is too slow, as just having a good k: d makes more sense for the team. You can easily beat a team that holds all the flags for most of the game at the moment and many believe it shouldn't be that way.

Surely your first point depends on how good or bad the team is?
When a team has the majority of the flags on conquest the losing team loses tickets at a rate of 4 a minute. Which a lot of people think is too slow, as just having a good k: d makes more sense for the team. You can easily beat a team that holds all the flags for most of the game at the moment and many believe it shouldn't be that way.

ah so thats how it works. In BF2 conquest works properly. BC2 conquest may as well be renamed to deathmatch mode atm.
Thanks for the clarification Zensuji. Could never work out how Conquest worked! :D

No worries I found it a lot easier to win when I realised the rules :D

Best strat on conquest is really just get a high k: d in a decent amount. If you do it in a squad with a medic hanging back you'll clean up and barely cost your team any tickets.

At the moment it is like team death match with the ability to capture spawn points. I think a ticket bleed of 6-8 per min for the majority of bases held will take it back to conquest where sacrifice will be a legitimate strat. It is however worth fighting for a base if you have none and run the risk of getting spawn camped.

....I'll stop saying "strat" now....sound like douche. :p
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About to jump on and finish off getting the last gun for medic then finally the assault class... Then I have all unlocks bar the rank ones :D

God this is sodding slow to download, what a joke!!!!!
2 hours so far and 35% I wanted a on line game tonight. Thanls sony, for a update which does nothing for the average user.
Grrr...been randomly booted deep into 2 rush games today, the screen just dies, anyone else experienceed this, such a MASSIVE lost of points because the games are so long.
Nope, but my rank and unlocks went to zero about an hour ago in every game I tried to join. It was still there in the in game menu, but not in server. Seems to have recovered now.
Unlocked all of the med class earlier, now working on the assault class, unlocked the smoke grenade now working towards the red dot sight, which to me, makes it easier to aim with all guns :)

The red dot reduces recoil, the 4x scope adds recoil :)

I finished off my last class today (Medic), so now I'm basically only playing when there's a squad to play with, on attack on Rush pretty much all the assault's should have smoke grenades on, they are unbelievably effective, and if more than one assault man is doing it then the smoke goes up quicker and there's less need to lose a scope for grenade upgrades :)

Had a very nice clutch after losing Base 1 on Arica Harbour tonight with a gun I don't normally use. I took out 3 tanks with the Stationary AT at the back corner of Base 1, in between those taking out 2 foot soldiers, one medic one engineer, with my AUG. Then they began to wise up. One tank was dropped, four people came rushing towards me, got them before they got past the nearest Guard tower, a couple hopped in the tank next to me without noticing me, took it out in two AT's, by which time a medic had started trying to take me out from the left road and a recon from the right, I crouched, took out the recon on one quick burst from the right of the crates, crept over to the middle, popped up and took out the medic, realised at this point that two guys were rushing me and were really close, snuck around the right hand corner got a nice 2 man spray, switched to 40mm shotgun to blow a recon who'd spawned on them's face off, but got killed from behind in the corner next to a tank :(

Battlefield moments for the win!
Well so far this week the only high has been getting my X41 headphones which make sucha difference on this game. Low's have been not a single game won in over 6 hours & 3 evenings play. I'd like to see more of the new maps but sheesh some conquest games were done in under 5 mins. I stopped spawning on a number of games as not only did they have every position locked down they also took our deployment.

Just seems every game the other team were super organised and our team were not. Starting to annoy me if this continues (just like MW2 does).

I think they need to look at unbalanced teams (in terms of numbers) - not sure about balancing on ability / rank (does it do that?).
It's too hard to balance perfectly on ability due to squads, however I reckon they could sum up the squad skill points and try and get as close as possible to an equal number of skill points on each side.

A good squad can win a game for a team if they're organised, have you been playing in a squad, i.e. not a public one you found in the game where nobody talks?
finally got round to getting this. So far i've had non existent team work and lost nearly every round! dont mind really, but there is one thing thats bugging me! the graphics!
I can't explain it but it reminds me of battlefield vietnam on the pc all those years ago running in 640 x 480 res.
Everything just looks rough with blocky shadowing, low texture detail and no aa. Even the missus made a comment which is unusual. Compared to the beta stages it's taken a giant leap backwards.
Anyway thats my only major gripe so far and it's a good blast.
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