*** Official Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Thread ***

31 Dec 2008
there's not kill cams in normal mode is there? kill cams ruin games

Yes normal has a killcam HC doesnt. Its real time and shows a close up third person view of your killer.

Major problem with it besides giving postion away is you can see how many people are with them even inside a building. hopefully they'll scrap it.
28 Oct 2003
Yes normal has a killcam HC doesnt. Its real time and shows a close up third person view of your killer.

Major problem with it besides giving postion away is you can see how many people are with them even inside a building. hopefully they'll scrap it.

Does it? Is that new to v2? In BC1 I thought it showed your squadmate where you would respawn to? :confused:
18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
If you have ever played Modern Warfare 2 on hardcore mode, you would know that it turns into a completely different game. Hardcore mode dramatically changes the gameplay. It's fast becoming a trope for the FPS genre - and for good reason. Hardcore modes totally enriches the experience and adds a dimension not experienced in typical matches where everyone runs around like a headless chicken with their almost telepathic radars and centralized HUD. Each step you take feels like a massive risk, a massive danger. It's a truly wonderful thing in my opinion.
Meh, for me it just makes it a slower game, other than that I just played as normal and I didn't find it to be particularly thrilling, main thing about hardcore though is that it increases camping tenfold too. Also not sure why hardcore means losing the hud, can imagine losing the map but what's the point in removing the hud?

The killcam in BC2 doesn't seem particularly telling and it's nothing like MW2's killcam, however it would probably be better without it, seems strange that they would add a random feature to the game then take it out for "hardcore".
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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Just to double check:

Pre-ordering just allows you to use the powerful weapons early right? No long term advantage like the BC1 pre-order crap?
31 Dec 2008
Looks decent. Do you think it'll take a player base away from MW2? When is the release date? If I pre-order it now, am I guarenteed a beta spot?

Well there's definitely a lot of people playing MW2 just as a temporary holder. Me and most of my mates. I've already sold my copy though as I couldnt take the gimmicky cr@p any longer. Good while it lasted though.
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
I think that the kill cam will only ever be a problem for snipers camping in a single spot. For what it’s worth though – the kill cam wasn’t a huge problem in the beta, if anything it made it more exciting I found, as you knew that the person now had an idea where you were so you’d have to keep moving.

When I played the beta I didn’t use the sniper kit that much, the game was too enjoyable when it was action-packed, to just sit back looking down a scope :D

Oooh that reminds me – not sure if it’s been mentioned anywhere? But a cool feature I liked, made better by a surround sound setup, was the noticeably different sounds to sniper shots: you could tell whether it was a near miss or in your vicinity by whether it was a ‘crack’ or ‘hiss’ (bit like that scene from Black Hawk Down). It really helped to pin-point a sniper's position imo.
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Just to double check:

Pre-ordering just allows you to use the powerful weapons early right? No long term advantage like the BC1 pre-order crap?

I presume this to be correct – in the beta everyone had access to the Thompson, for example, after simply reaching X amount of kills with the Assault class (at least that’s what unlocked it for me), the reason I stuck in a pre-order for this (aside from the fact the beta was amazing) was for the alternate fire on tanks – I would imagine that would take quite some time to unlock, as the unlocks come in fixed stages, for example:

Assault rife > +nade launcher > +red dot scope > +scope etc

These were for the ‘upgrades’ though, the special edition seems to give away a mixture of unlocks and upgrades – I would hope that everyone will still be able to get them though, but even BC1 added that ability in a later patch.
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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I'll avoid pre-ordering then as I'd rather earn the items. If I got the good ones right off the bat I wouldn't bother to unlock a lot of stuff.
31 Dec 2008
I'll avoid pre-ordering then as I'd rather earn the items. If I got the good ones right off the bat I wouldn't bother to unlock a lot of stuff.

Totally agree. I've still pre-ordered but I wont be using the unlock code they include.

RE The problem I have with killcam is that if you get sniped by someone in a building you may find out how many people are with them and able to pass that info to live players. Not a massive deal though.

Oh and demo has just been confirmed as being MP only. It also expires on launch.
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