Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
Just had a rather enjoyable few matches, pretty even teams, some epic battles, and not a single disconnect or crash to desktop :)

When this game works, it really works :p
Well just been on a game, right at the end our team lost, fair enough, boom CTD, granted the lads running the server were good as they disabled punkbuster and i stayed in game, just at the end it CTD, did i mention it CTD aaarrrggghhh
Few issues/comments from me after finally having time to play today. Disregarding all the connection/server browser/favourites/Punkbuster issues!

Hardcore sucks. You end up with a crapload of snipers, 1 shot kill is EZ mode. Even running round capping flags etc Recon is best, Pokeball automatically spotting for you and so long as you dont suck, quick one shot kills. Also, spotting is not much use.

Noobtubes. Same again, as per usual like in BF2, you get a couple of shots in someone, they turn around and toob the floor infront of you, sigh.

Maps. Most of them seem to small for my liking.

The short immunity after being revived. Often after killing someone, a medic comes running past, just gets the revive off before dying, but then you cant kill the person they revived before they kill you.

Squad spawning. There should be some limit on when you can spawn on a squad member. Like you can't spawn if they're within a short distance of an enemy, or for 3s or so after they have shot/been shot. Nearly killing someone before they run behind a corner, then chasing after them and having one or two of their freshly spawned squadmates pop up and kill you is pretty annoying.

Spotting. I really hope people will eventually learn to do this!

Medic LMGs. They were not very good in beta, but they seem to be a bit too good now after being buffed.

Quad core optimisation. Not the best, works one core a lot more than the rest.

Mouse lag. Game runs @ max with everything on, VSynced at 60fps most of the time, dropping to 40 when something explodes in my face, but the mouse lag, most noticable on mounted LMGs, is pretty poor. Even turning off HBAO, turning down AA etc makes no difference. Compared to how direct and accurate it is in COD4 for example, it makes the game feel sluggish and can be annoying.

There, feels good to get that off my chest :o

I like the game, but I think my expectations were too high.
I much prefer rush to conquest mode atm as conquest heavily favours sniper camping. I'm pretty good at sniping myself but it just screws the class balance up as all most public servers do is capture 2 points asap using quads then snipe camp lol
Not that I'd normally boast about scores but just had an epic game on the All fun/splat server. 24.3k score and 42 kills.. woot :D

Thank god the servers worked for at least a little while today.
Lets face it, your not gonna be playing tonight so stop trying :p

Just had another 2+ hour finger cramping session tonight, don't seem to be having any of thse major problems people are getting. Enjoying it crash free and PB kick free :D

Browser has still been usable as well, type in uk and search, you get local servers low pings happy days.. Just uneven teams is my big bug bear so far.
I hope they get fixes out soon for mouse acceleration and vehicle sensitivity, the helo's are such slow moving wallowing pieces of crap, a tanks top gunner can totally shred a heli in pretty short order.

There was a vid which showed the apache on the 360 demo and it looked so much more agile. Right now you have a stupidly large turning circle which means you get eaten up by any machineguns in the vicinity. :(

Ed: found another vid showing the apache

Its really obvious that its a ton more twitchy than the pc counterpart. He also seems to fire some sort of high yield missile about 25 secs into the vid and a few times later. Not heard this mentioned yet.
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Just came off a nice 4 hour or so run with no connection issues, perhaps they have fixed it??

Really good games, finding the engineer good value with the beginners gun excellent, RPG for tanks (takes a lot of shots ofc) // helicopters and you can drive, repair, drive - excellent. :D

The remote piloted mini helicopters are great fun until you get a knife in the back!
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An hour and a half marathon on (none other than) the BETA map rush, 15 tickets away from a successful defend and I crash to desktop. I am not ******** amused considering I had 4 unlocks :(
I hope they get fixes out soon for mouse acceleration and vehicle sensitivity, the helo's are such slow moving wallowing pieces of crap, a tanks top gunner can totally shred a heli in pretty short order.

There was a vid which showed the apache on the 360 demo and it looked so much more agile. Right now you have a stupidly large turning circle which means you get eaten up by any machineguns in the vicinity. :(

Ed: found another vid showing the apache

Its really obvious that its a ton more twitchy than the pc counterpart. He also seems to fire some sort of high yield missile about 25 secs into the vid and a few times later. Not heard this mentioned yet.

I've flown it on the 360 but I wouldn't call it agile, its like turning an ocean liner - I'm yet to get in one on the PC as it's always taken but I'll try it and compare.
Just figured out that the hellfire is alt fire when you have the alt fire upgrade equipped, durr. Works for the uav mg as well apparently.
I've flown it on the 360 but I wouldn't call it agile, its like turning an ocean liner - I'm yet to get in one on the PC as it's always taken but I'll try it and compare.

Well the difference being the 360 has the sensitivity working for vehicles, pc doesn't so it has a stupidly long turning circle.

ck this game, seriously.

Think I'm going to pick it up again when its more stable, at the moment these Ble screens and desktop crashes I'm having are a nightmare. Looks like they fixed the problems for some and royally shafted it up for others like myself that had it fine for the last 4 days.
Every game I've seen the Apache in with a good pilot in, its allways rippin up the attackers, it seems good to me, especially when it's over our base and I die to it something like ten times before it gets blown out the sky.
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