Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
Are there any OcUK servers that are non hardcore and have at least 24+ player slots?

I prefer normal Rush or Conquest and no team stacking with plenty of people running around to shoot.

Any ideas, even non OcUK servers if anyone has any recommendations, I'd appreciate it!

Ours is on 24/7 rush at the moment (need more tickets on con)(32 slot server).

Below is the code (I hope) that you want. Or just search for [AcB] if that works.

5585653,8a07b049-44ba-45b1-a115-48de6596afd6,Multiplay.co.uk: [AcB] Clan server;

Have had a few ocuk guys on and its been good fun. Hopefully they will say the same lol.
sdkljglksdhglkds ghlsdhg jdg kg ajgh hg shgksdhgkj

God damn CTD, scored a crap load of points and got booted about 1 minute before the game ended :mad:
Is the worst excuse out there for using something that is OBVIOUSLY unbalanced.

If they do their job properly ie kill the enemy which makes them lose tickets, and pick off the enemy approaching all the other classes, also if they also use mortar strikes effectively I have no problem with them.

Dont see how that is unbalanced tbh
server side update earlier? r6 now?

also dice are looking into the ctd's, on a forum (ea?) they are asking for more detailed info of your rig etc
If they do their job properly ie kill the enemy which makes them lose tickets, and pick off the enemy approaching all the other classes, also if they also use mortar strikes effectively I have no problem with them.

Dont see how that is unbalanced tbh

i agree. its a new game and snipers imo tend to die less as they are further from the action. im sure when everyone has played it abit that the amount of snipers will slowly die.
The games I've had seem to be people just sniping when on the attack, not making any push to destroy objective and so ultimately losing. Really annoying. Also finding its very difficult to kill anyone at range using normal asault weapons, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, all hits but then enemy just goes behind cover. sigh. server browser is sooo slow and broken, no ping. but hey, its a battlefield game, bad server browser is a given, but this is 2010 come on!
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I just had a kid rage quit our squad and hurl abuse at me for swapping to sniper :p

I had to point out that I had revived him a load of times and his continuous dying wasn't exactly helping the cause !:)
How are people finding the assault class M16 compared to the AN-94 ? I have the AN94 and i love it, just wondered how good or bad the M16 is.

AN-94 does the most damage just has a lower rate of fire which I guess is meant to balance out in DPS but since that would only be valid if you sprayed for the lose every time you spotted someone I would just stick with the AN.
I got 40 kills to 11 deaths one game but there is no way of registering this feat, played as assault on Port Arica to get thtat.

Screenshot with Fraps :)

Thegoon84 said:

was just giving a heads up that u could contact him on here if necessary, dont actually know the guy. Keep fraps on for screenies at all times ;)

does using Q in harcore work?

U get the points for some reason but they dont show up on map or with an arrow.

Mine/uv's is 32 slots and non-hardcore. It's running conquest at the moment.

Hopefully this new server update will fix the annoying problems with the server - at which point I'll be on it all the time :)

What is the address line to add to my settings.ini? Cannot add it to favourites using ingame browser :mad:
AN-94 does the most damage just has a lower rate of fire which I guess is meant to balance out in DPS but since that would only be valid if you sprayed for the lose every time you spotted someone I would just stick with the AN.

After looking at the stats that someone kindly posted earlier in this thread, that is exactly what I intend to do when I finally unlock it :D
I don't know if its me or what but it never seems to let me add the OCuk servers nor the [AcB] servers to my favourites?

It just keep spinning around saying waiting for data?

Any ideas?
No problem mate, I'm not looking for anyone to get banned for the sake of it, you don't need to look into it again or anything, I'm sure if he does anything stupid like that again there'll be more complaints. :)

Cheers for keeping on top of everything though. :)

Mate, we had a good few rounds, and I am sorry for that rant, it was a bit over the top about snipers camping and not helping out. It was just that the MCOM was armed and I spawned off you at the back. I am really sorry for the rant.

I didn't purposely TK you, so I will not apologise for that, I spawned of you in my squad at the back of the base and with the M60 with Magnessium bullets and ran towards MCOM and fired at someone and you got up out of crouch or something.

I hope you accept my apology, but snipers are the only thing that makes me rage quit :D
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