***Official Big Brother 2010 Thread***

The current task is quite good lols. It's amazing how dumb some of them are to be asking questions and making comments on everything.

I did laugh when Dave spoke to the Liverpool woman, schooling her for talking about the postman. Some real stupid people around. What's funnier still, later in the day she school's Steve for asking Corin what happened to her in the diary room.

The tasks this year seem as though they have had more thought in them and some of them seem quite original. Makes it more entertaining viewing, imo.
When the zombies came out I was surprised nobody mentioned Dead Set.

Wouldn't that be acknowledgment of the situation around them?

I was thinking this last night when the commentator guy said they had 11 out of 80 fails or whatever already in a few hours.

There were LOADS of times last night they reacted to what was going on. Often they would try and play it down but then there were real obvious ones like when the zombies came out, Mario comes into the kitchen going "EVERYONE SHOULD REALLY GO TO BED NOW!".

Surely things like that will be counted as a fail as it's just obvious what he's talking about. Strange but good task.
Latest odds for tonight's eviction:-

Ben 5-7
Dave 6-4
Andrew 22-1
John James 31-1

I hope Ben doesn't go but I really do fear for him tonight. For the sake of the show, JJ would be the one I would choose to leave. Him and her are getting a bit tiresome now.
31-1 :O

Dave is being ok in the house imo so is ben. Andrew has had his moments.. JJ is just now boring as he just sits in bed all day but i wouldnt want him to go really =/
Some of the housemates are in the living room, passing round the Jaffa Cakes. :D

Hehe. :D

Best part of the series for me so far and up there with my favourite moments out of all of the shows.

I reckon Ben is going tonight, he's just been a royal arse lately although I do feel a bit sorry for him with Rachel constantly giving him a hard time, why does she bother with him if she only wants to be nasty and pick apart everything that he says? If she disliked him that much she wouldn't hang out with him.
I've really warmed to Dave recently, he seems like a top bloke. I'd have to choose Ben to go this week though, he really does seem to be a weasel at times.

Same here, I don't know if that's the way C4 have been editing it recently or what they were leaving out in the first few months...?

He seems alright, other than his spouting God pap, which is infrequent enough not to be an issue I think :)
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