i used noob tubes when we played cod4 and was always when we got wiped out soon as game started,the next round noob tubes were equped but i never chose them to start the game intending to use them.I used them on ambush when cod4 first came out but stopped using after about a month because realised how bad they were.
I used them on mw2 to unlock all the gun attachments and thats it.The way you say it sounds like i run around using them all the time,and people keep thinking all i play is HCSD , i dont , i will play anything but ,i cant play the same thing over and over ,i always say mix it up abit but its either always dom or always hcsd.I prefer HCSD but i do like to play all the other game modes now and then.It wasnt the rangers it was the 1887's and i used them because i just unlocked them,and thats only time i used them because like i told faded and rest who played with me they are so easy to get kills and there broken.
The claymores are much more useful to defend the targets on HCSD or defend flags on dom,i think they are better used there then to camp yourself up with claymores around you on free for all or claymored up in a building camping looking over a flag on dom.