*** Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread ***

Yeah but at the end of the day you complained about pointless crap?


Then said he was fat and he got his feelings hurt?


Is this pointless crap?


Did you contridict yourself?


Oneshot with banta?

He doesnt use his mic

Are you bitching?


Did you take the "so called bait"?


Why should I keep out?

Please fill answer here...........

carry on as you please
We all had are banter with oneshot. We all abused him and would wait for a message abusing us back. Before he could take it but now he has a lap dog to stick up for him. My pointless crap is as pointless as yours. You questioning my convo with oneshot is pointless crap. You are falling in the hole also.

My reply to him was a return of banter which I started and then when on to say about the pointless crap. I never said all I posted was helpful did I? This thread is going so off the rail it's funny.

Are you satisfied? Do you want to carry on with your pointless posts?
Yes i do. I never said it was full of pointless crap and then go on to post pointless crap. Nope just hes playing whilst im on here and only playing when im waiting for you to reply. and i never said that you said it was helpful. Just that it was pointless and you had complained about pointless crap. Not really satisfied nope. Will be tomorrow night though :) depends how much longer i can stay up for really. as long as i am it will be pointless until you stop replying tbh
We all had are banter with oneshot. We all abused him and would wait for a message abusing us back. Before he could take it but now he has a lap dog to stick up for him. My pointless crap is as pointless as yours. You questioning my convo with oneshot is pointless crap. You are falling in the hole also.

My reply to him was a return of banter which I started and then when on to say about the pointless crap. I never said all I posted was helpful did I? This thread is going so off the rail it's funny.

Are you satisfied? Do you want to carry on with your pointless posts?

Jake rises to this sort of crap all the time hes got anger management problems. Ive heard he goes out during the day and punches kids. As for oneshot he doesnt go outside because hes managed to get greggs to deliver :P
For Jake.....

You make as much sense as potato. Leave me and oneshot to our convo. I was pointing out all the pointless crap. Which does also include me and you but you seem to want to look deeper into something that's not worth the effort. I replied to oneshot then stated the thread is getting full of pointless crap....which it is....
Yeah wey you would make as much sense as a potato if you had had 4 hours sleep in the last 30 hours and been driving for 15 of those hours whilst moving house with my friend. I never said i never. I quite clearly stated that you contridicted yourself
You make as much sense as potato. Leave me and oneshot to our convo. I was pointing out all the pointless crap. Which does also include me and you but you seem to want to look deeper into something that's not worth the effort. I replied to oneshot then stated the thread is getting full of pointless crap....which it is....

Il cut down on the pointless crap myself. Its the same every day in this thread though. Constant whining between small groups of us that play together. If its not for hacking its for someone playing with another lot or for camping or for posting leaderboard scores or something.

Dont mind who i play in a group with tbh. Just dont join session in progress to be a knob!
It's a fact though. He's fat and had his feelings hurt. Get over it. People hand out abuse so they should be able to take it.

There is too much testerone in this thread, whilst most pointless crap it can sometimes be amusing by people who take things seriously such as yourself Jake. I love sitting back and watching Danny bait the idiots of the thread.

ummm no I baited him :p and I'm far from being an idiot

Wow I love the way the "old" group as you put it have oneshot on a pedestal - Oneshot you are a god acording to some of the posts on here, I on the other hand hold you as a worthy oponent on the field of battle.
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I no longer care tbh. to tired and say what ever you want. pro plus and energy drinks are starting to ware off. its always going to be the same and it will carry on when black ops comes out
thing is soulja,you dont play with me,you dont know me,yet soon as i said something about the group i use to play with crying you had a go.I was just stating when i joined there group last time i got little remarks and comments ,then the group backed out and then started a dif game but never thought about inviting me.Then i came online a few days later,seen a few people i always played with, not one of them invited me,then jonny aztec pops up online then he is straight away playing in the group,soon as the others go offline,bing i get a msg that the people left wants me to play.So what you want me to do,i know ive said that mkluvin cheats and camps,uses OMA,hacks,glitches,script kiddy,blah blah but he hasnt used any hacks to gain advantage in public games when i have been on,and i dont jump from group to group,i play with anyone who invites me and wants me to play,not just to fill up the numbers
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pThere is others on here like bevy,alrik who invite me.Just a few weeks ago they had about 8 in a party and i seen jonny was online with rogadog so i said i was gonna leave and join there party because was abit crap leaving them on there own,so i msged mkluvin or bevy and said i was gonna join there games.I notice now tho i dont get a invite untill no1 else has anyone to play with


a) ive never had a message along those lines

b) you tend to go once you've had enough of other games styles which is fine. Of coure when I know what I fancy playing for the night then that will influence who I think will want invite to that party.

I always ask stuff like what do you wanna play but of course I hear nothing, i get no message or not even a clan tag change.

3 times ive invited you and got nothing, everytime you have invited me I join. Im not really sure what your point is :S

OS Just read your last post. I joined that lobby (the night after mike myers etc with you) and played against them! You were free to do the same. Then a few games in the party went to 5 so i jumped in to make 6 again. Ill play with or against anyway, variety is good, evidently some rounding of peoples characters probably would prevent this :S I generally log on anyway see whos playing and what games, wait to see if those games change to different games meaning a pre-game lobby has happened and hence an opportunity to include me.... you can see where this could go but fortunatley have have taken my anti paranoia pills this week :D

i play with anyone who invites me and wants me to play,not just to fill up the numbers

I see no way of differentiating those to be honest.
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Just looking for my top 5 accolades on this game, not sure at all what it says about my game style.....

1500 odd matches played.

452 times Fewest deaths
419 Longest Life
452 Most claymore kills
471 Most time spent crouched (I have a bad back)
580 Most time spent in one place (Run is broken on my controller) ;)

Shame COD 4 didn't have a similar stats because I'm sure it would read differently.
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Were you in a bush? Whilst awaiting his ladyboys he is getting desperate ;)

Haha it was on terminal I think, I was hiding in a shop somewhere, he probably thought he had entered a Thai brothel and started shooting the place up.

My all time fav sniper kill was on madfruit on Countdown. I could only see 1 pixel of him across the whole map. I'm pretty damn rubbish with sniper rifles and for the first time in my life I managed the sort of shot people pull off on me regularly. Sadly it was a team kill but luckily it was Madfruit :D
So "old" group I challange you again to a friendly match - man up or get out :p HA

I think i'll step up as TMeb spokesman and say... Nope, you my friend are a huge whopper! The comments are probably right, if we were losing I (at least) would probably cry about it, however wether we were winning or losing i certainly wouldnt enjoy it, i play to relax after work, not to feel pressured into having to win for bragging rights.

As for the whole Oneshot thing just let the man be, personally had a love/hate relationship around playing with him... the man will win you a lot of games, but would also pick up the easy kills that i'd be going after! Man i hate that!
For me Oneshot the only reason i think the invites dried up from us is that we couldnt communicate. Also personally I wouldn't invite you if i was on alone as it would be like i was using you, which is why i've never done it dude.
soulja just gained drama queen pro. All future insults come with extra "ooooooooooooooo"

I don't give two hoots who I play with, the regular people, Mcluvin, Bevy, Jake, Alrik, Oneshot, Bubbles Misciefs dad, MrLOL etc all are fun to play MW2 with.

Surely that's all that matters.
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