Seriously retarded people must play this game.
i cant wait to save some kill cams with black ops,need to make a montage of magnum sniping
you lot on mw2 tonight? i hope black ops has gw search,we need big team search and destroy!!!!!!!!!! i demand it
That kill on rundown was just insane. Never mind on how you managed to shoot him, how did you manage to see him from where you where. Do you run hacks? lol
I was talking about !imk2
I was talking about !imk2
Thats not 4 letters Obviously hackers
How good is HC mosh pit!! So easy to play it's like stealing candy from a baby, HC nuke here I come!
Ok, just dont whinge that you dont get invited anymore please.
How good is HC mosh pit!! So easy to play it's like stealing candy from a baby, HC nuke here I come!
Anyone still play much of this? My gamertag's g0ldfingers69 (Yeah I regret it )
Playing with randoms is getting a bit old now though...