****Official Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 thread****

so basically half of people just pirated single player :(

those who keep going on about dedis i really cant get my head round there thinking :confused:

dedis can have your own classes on that you make up yourself .

the purpose of ranking up is to unlock these perks and guns which you dont need to do if you play on dedis cause there already unlocked .

so many crying when the basic stuff is already there but youd rather rank to get what you already got :confused:

anyway some have already modded a server dedi wise to rank up so that will probably happen anyway.

loving dedis, need more activity on them though, any good ones you use particularly Dg?
I don't come across hackers as much as others do in any COD game iv played. Are you over exaggerating by saying "almost every game" ?

Maybe i don't play it enough to come across them.

I play it a lot (58 hours now), I came across someone using the stealth bomber glitch in one match only.
Thx dude, forgot to mention I do lots of run/gun. does marathon still exist lol? thx Ill try those perks with UMP. Wud the MP5 work aswell?

Marathon is called Extreme Conditioning now.

Dunno about MP5 but I assume it is probably much the same. Others like the P90.
Can any1 access multiplayer? my showin up as error game unavaliable. Single player works though.
Edit:got a new update all working.
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Meh. Single player now finally done. I was expecting it to be as fun as MW2 and to a point it was, but like others have said it felt too frantic - like there too much going on at once.


It's like the game designers expected us to have the attention span of an 8 year old on Red Bull and blue Smarties. I wasn't expecting Metal Gear Solid "stealth", but I think that they could have slowed things down in more places, thus adding "contrast" in the gameplay and giving us more than ~ 8 hours of crazy action. I finished the game yesterday, and it's one of the least memorable FPS games I`ve ever played. Yes, there were some great set pieces and the presentation is impressive, but the gameplay, like I said earlier, is "follow the white dot and keep firing". Would have been a brilliant single player game if they'd have left it to the player to do most of the fighting/thinking.
Got accused of hacking the last 3 times i played, and so I got bored and have not played for a while. It sucks when you play well people are so used to cheats in FPS games they just assume you are cheating when they really have not got a clue.
guys can someone please help me out , everytime i try to run mw3 mp i get the first time installation box saying its installing vc redist package.

could there be something wrong with the windows installer?

its really annoying me as it takes like 10 mins everytime

Just finished sp and tbh I really enjoyed it and thought the ending was epic.As for mp I have yet to have a game as i'm busy playing bf3 and skyrim!
Was really put off by how bad the mp was on blops so kinda putting off the mp side of mw3.
Other games allow this, so what is your point? :confused:
Not all PC mp games allow true dedicated server files, one of th reasons is because of cheating obviously.

MW3 Dedicated Server Files...

It's "FREE" for starters.

Dedicated Servers (Join your favorite or set up your own,without any 3rd party hosting requirements)

In addition, we're supporting PC specific features that give you even more control over your experience like RCON, Custom Game Saving, NoGFX / Audio Card Requirement on DS.exe, Voice Chat, and SSAO.

PC players can fully customize their private / dedicated server games through full control over Class Restrictions, Custom Gamemode creation, access to unique private match modes like One in the Chamber,Gun Game, and Infected, as well as save their custom games for future use.

Warfare 3 supported matchmaking as well as Dedicated Servers, allowing players to find and filter via an in-game server browser or set-up their own Dedicated Server for complete control, without being restricted by any 3rd party hosting requirements.

Only matchmaking to public games are Ranked (meaning, you have to rank up to unlock weapons to rank on the leaderboards), choosing to play on a Dedicated Server is UnRanked. Meaning unlocks are completely controlled by the Server Admin. They can choose to unlock everything or limit class restrictions to whatever they like to fully customize the experience. You do not have to rank up in Public games to have access to weapons in Dedicated Servers, you have complete control over what is unlocked for you in a Unranked Dedicated Server.

This is how some PC mp games used to be with dedicated server files. It makes a change, and not everyone is bothered about ranking up or unlocking everything, but most important i think is it costs nothing unlike some games which you have no choice but to rent servers which costs more money.
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Is anyone else having Sync issues with Special Ops Multiplayer?

Me and my mate have been playing it and we have been having problems with sync. for instance he will be on the ground bleeding out and on my screen it shows him running around and same over way around.

What problems do you think this could be? internet connections are fine on both
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