***Official DC Universe Online Thread***

So I installed this on Steam overnight, and upon launch tonight it then trys to (via the launcher) verify files and install another 12gigs! I close it, re-open and then it's trying to install 18 gigs it seems (but says it already has done 6gigs...), anyone else had this?

A number of people have had this happen. I would just let it install, cos there is a ton of updates. Eventually it will have all the updates done. Then, just use the Launcher itself and not via Steam.
Ok guys. It has been forever since I last posted in here. So let me bring you all up to speed with what's been going down in DCUO:

First off the lates DLC pack (DLC4: The Last Laugh) is a PVP only pack and features not only new Legends characters you can fight as but the new Shield weapon. Yeah, that's right, we're going to have a mass of Captain America wannabes running around the place lol. Now the official date of this pack is Tues June 19th. However, if you are a Legendary player (like moi) you get early access to the DLC TODAY (Thurs June 14th).

So let's talk a bit more about this new DLC and what you will expect from it. As I said, it is a full on PVP pack. It contains new legends characters (Bizarro, Amon-Sur, Power Girl, Ursa, John Stewart and a couple other Green Lantern/Sinestro based characters). They work in the same way as the current Batman related characters do. In that when you enter a PVP instance in the Legends queue, you choose the character you want to fight as (providing you have bought said player from the PVP vendor in the Reactor room in the Meta wing of the Watchtower (no idea where it is in the Hall of Doom for villains tho)).

They have also made the instance queues for PVP a lot quicker. Now, it is cross faction so heroes and villains can fight alongside each other. Or if there are no villains, then it's heroes vs heroes or vice versa. Certainly does make things that little more interesting I have to say.

They have removed Marks Of Conquests and replaced them with Marks Of Tactics. We also have two new PVP armour to collect. And they have upped the amount of marks you need to get each piece. An example, for the T2 PVP armour (the Avatar Bombardier), you needed 85 marks of conquest for the chest piece. Now for the new T3 armour (Virtuous Knight) you need 100 marks of tactics for the chest piece.

There is another new armour which is the T4 (forgot the name of the style) and for this one you need to collect Marks of Strategy. Now to obtain these, this is where the new DLC comes in (the marks of tactics came into play when Game Update 14 was introduced early this month) with the new maps. And by new maps what I mean is that we will now be having PVP battles in the police stations (hero side) and clubhouses (villain side) across each faction. This also includes Watchtower and Hall of Doom. So no where is safe from anyone now lol.

As I mentioned earlier the new weapon they have introduced is the Shield. It is literally a stand alone weapon and cannot be used with any other weapon. This will come into play when DLC4 is released. You have the chance to pick it up during raids and such but you won't be able to use it until you get the new DLC.

The other good thing, with this new DLC for PVP, is that they will be introducing a system that kicks players who just join a PVP instance and sit in the spawn site cos they keep getting ganked by other players. No idea when this will be or if it will be included in the DLC or another Game Update (15 perhaps?). It will make the experience better for those of us who want to fight and enjoy the game even if we do get owned massively by other players. In the end it's about the enjoyment, win or lose :D

Anyway, I think that's enough from me. Please do go to the official DCUO website for more info or if there is something I have missed here and also visit the forums.

Can't wait for DLC4 tonight :D
Played the new DLC last night for a few hours. WOW!! It is just what we needed. It's not just a case of bashing other players to a pulp. There's strategies involved now and to get marks (explain more later), you win matches, get awesome prize boxes which contain an array of goodies.

Speaking of marks, there's now the following:

Marks Of Tactics
Marks of Strategy
Marks of Lore

Marks of Tactics are earned if you win or lose a pvp match. If you win, you now pick up 3 MoTs and also 3 Marks of Legends. If you lose, you get 1 mark of each. Upon winning a pvp match (and this is where the fun comes in), you get a Prize Box which will contain anything from a pvp weapon (the ones that cost 135 Marks of Tactics) to secret missions, extra marks (I myself picked up 5 extra MoTs last night), consumables to use in PVP matches and (as mentioned) secret PVP missions. Just to add when you get a Prize Box, you get a Mark Of Lore.

These secret PVP missions can be anything from "knocking out 5 fliers in Australia PVP" to "Win a PVP match on the Moon". And when you complete each one, you get either marks of Strategy, Lore or Tactics.

The instances themselves are pretty sweet and I highly recommend you go in a group with your league as opposed to getting pot luck with people who are not highly geared enough or don't know the instances that well. We have new instances in the Arenas including: Hall of Doom, Police Headquarters, Villain Clubhouses and Watchtower. In the Police Headquarters each team has to sabotage or infiltrate the other team in order to get bigger score points, so make sure you have someone doing this whilst the rest of team take out the opposition lol. As I said, it's not just about beating other players to a pulp anymore :D

But, to give you an idea on how quick you earn the Marks of Tactics (for the T3 PVP Virtuous Knight armour), I had 30+ Marks before I jumped in (bear in mind it took me the better part of a week to get the frst 100 marks before the DLC came to play) and by the time I logged off last night I ended up with 75 Marks of Tactics. So the marks do rack up so long as you keep winning matches and getting extra marks from the prize boxes and secret missions.

One thing, Marks of Lore and Marks of Strategy will take a while to rack up. But this is reflected on the T4 PVP armour which doesn't require a lot of marks as the T3 PVP armour does, but like I said, the more PVP you win the quicker the marks will arrive :)

When you get the DLC (already out for Legendary players but out Tues June 19th for everyone else) and you win your first PVP match, you get 12 Marks of Lore for completing and winning the match and you use this Mark Of Lore to purchase the new PVP Legends players and they are: Ursa, John Stewart, Kilowog, Amon Sur, Bizarro, Power Girl and a couple others I forgot lol. I got Power Girl myself and she'll take some getting used to (and not cos of her epic boobs lol).

Anyway, that's enough from me. :)
i am thinking about getting back into the game as i didnt really have a good start on it whn released. i was wondering wat is the best server to go on and also wat class to do. i have had a look and the green lantan looks good i wud like some info about the new classes etc thanks :D

I've stated pretty much all there is to the game over the last few pages of this thread. But your best bet is the official website itself or trying the likes of these:

DC Universe Online Wiki
DCUO Source
Ok folks. The DLC will be on general release today. If you love your PVP and are very competitive, I recommend getting this.

As it was released early for us Legendary players, I can honestly, it is the best DLC to have been released so far on DCUO.

While PVP can be competitive, there are elements to the instances that require strategy. As that is what will win you the matches. The more matches you win, the more marks you obtain and more prizes you pick up.

They have changed things up a bit in regards to the instances. They behave like duos/alerts/raids in that when you win a match, the instance becomes locked in terms of getting prizes. But if you have the replay badges (it costs 12 replay badges to reset a PVP match), you can reset them and go back and win again and get more prizes.

So, log in, gear up and have fun :D

PS, when doing some of the more bigger group instances, I suggest grouping with people in your league for that extra edge ;)
Gonna download this tonight,if your still up for levelling with someone I would be game.
What character did you go for in the end?
I'm thinking about being a healer anyone know a good character combo for this? And also is this a good choice or is there loads already doing it I like grouping when possible.

For healer (and if it is just solely healing you'll be doing), Nature or Sorcery are your best bets. I was a nature healer for the better part of a year before switching to Electric when that came out. But I have noticed it doesn't produced the same amount output heals as sorc and nature does. So I might be switching back to nature real soon (and I have been electric for several months now).

Weapons wise for healers, bow or rifle will be your best options. Bow is the ideal one for you can range mostly with it and still be able to heal everyone with little to no attack on yourself. But just be careful lol.

You should have no problem getting in a group of players. There are always people wanting to do missions and alerts and other stuff together. The player base is getting better and better. Of course you have your usual trolls and what not, but that's why the ignore feature is so useful :p

Other than that, enjoy :)
Is the a LRG tool? or is it going though the chat to get the groups together. For a new starter (playing tonight) what would be best so start off with. I tend to go for mages or healers but looking at being a tank. What are they like would it be worth getting the new shield addon? also how much?

For someone who has a character for each role (tank, healer, controller (mana) and dps) each one has their pros and cons. It's up to you how you choose what role you go for and how you plan to progress your character after hitting level 30. Cos once you hit 30, then the fun really begins. The Shield weapon is available for everyone to use now that they have released the new DLC (The Last Laugh). Tho to get the the DLC you need to purchase it (think it costs around £10). Unless you're Legendary (like me) then you get it for free (we got early access to it last Thursday). You can pick up Shield weapons as you level I would hope. So see how you find it :)

I hope this client downloads at full 100mb speeds on steam as I'd love to try it tonight after reading CK61938 talking about the game on here. I'd never thought to try it before and my Tera just expired so I think I'll give it a go.

I would imagine on a 100Mb connection the download should be pretty quick.
Might as well give a quick run down on the roles and weapons to go for each role:

If you're planning on going as a Tank, I suggest the following weapons:

Dual Wield
2 Handed

I have used all of them and for me, personally, staff and dual wield are very effective. But, I will be honest, for a tank, any weapon is fine to use cos you'll be taking most of the damage from the enemies. While you'll probably spend more time blocking during raids, it helps to have a some serious fighting skills available. For example with my tank, I constantly fight and block only when I need to. Attract the enemies and let your DPS guys do the damage.

For the Healer role, the only weapon you really need is Bow. It's awesome for such a role cos it's a ranged weapon so you can strike from a very good distance. But just be wary if you do get attacked. Being ranged doesn't always mean you are out of harms way as the enemies will find a way to get to you. So always keep moving around and blocking where necessary.

Controller roles are quite tricky but, like Healer, only one weapon is really useful for this role and that's the Hand Blasters. Its use "tap tap hold" of the right click mouse button (no idea what it will be for a game pad/controller) will get your power bar back up in order to restore power to others in your group. One thing to remember about the controller role is that if you go into a raid (group of 8 people in this case), you will have two contollers. The one with the highest vitalization is responsible for giving power over time to the group. The lower vitalization controller does instant power and debuffs when it comes to the bosses. This helps greatly if you have the right strategy during raids.

DPS role is pretty much self explanatory (every role: tank, healer and controller all have DPS as secondary roles). Again, any weapon is useful for DPS. But it's all about how you use it. My dps has martial arts, bow, dual wield and even shield for weapons. So I can switch according to what is required.

I will also quickly mention the 9 power sets available:

For Tank we have Fire, Ice and Earth powers. I've never really used Fire so cannot give much on it but I will say that Ice is my fave as I have tried Earth briefly and found it to be ok, but Ice for me is good.

For Healer we have Nature, Sorcery and Electric. I have only used Nature and Electric. I prefer Nature and might be switching back to it soon. Many people have used Sorcery and have said it is good as well.

For Controller we have Gadgets, Mental and Light. I have used all 3 and found Gadgets to be more effective.

And for DPS, well you can be DPS using any of the power sets. Know where to put the skill points and you will epically excel in your damage points.

One thing I have to say is this: EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN PREFERENCE. No one power or weapon is better than the other. It's all about how YOU play and how YOU skill your player.

Just cos your tank has around 3800 defense does not mean it is the best tank. It is only the best tank if you know how to block, use your powers at the right time and know the combos of the weapon you are using.

Hope this helps. Enjoy :)
Thanks for all the advice it's very useful when starting out so what's peoples character names so we can meet up and Play.

Mine is: life surge

Ah, villain side. Tough crowd. Mainly pvp players on that side. I myself am on the hero side with 5 characters:

Ubermensch - Ice Tank - Dual Wield
The Jurgenator (main PVP character) - Ice DPS - various weapons from Bow to Martial Arts
Overman - Electric Healer (formerly nature but soon to go back to it) - Bow
Black Blur - Gadgets Controller - Hand Blaster
Plastiq - Electric DPS - Dual Wield
yeah im in pvp,can you not co-op with hereos then if your a viilian or?

Well with the new DLC and new game update, you can now cross faction in pvp only. Sometimes it becomes heroes vs heroes in pvp if not enough villains queue up for it. So depending on how many people queue up on each end, you can be fighting alongside heroes and taking out villains or vice versa.
Just reinstalled this about 5 hours ago, going to give it a proper go tomorrow, want to really get into it and try some end-game content, I only got to around level 15 on ps3 so not played it a lot :D looking forward to it. Joined the PvP EU hero side if anyone wants to add me, I'll edit this with my name tomorrow when i make my char.

EDIT: Char name is Tune

Tried adding them all, but the jurgenator and Plastiq couldn't be added for some reason :( Going to play it more tomorrow now :D

I play on the US Servers on PC. So that will be why you cannot add those two. Tho to be honest, if you have added the others, I am confused that you could even do that since the game isn't made to cross platform since they are on totally different servers.
Well I had to transfere onto the PVE server lol I was sick to death of getting ganked on by a level 30 when i was only level 4 :@

Also has there been a lot of Lag? I go to an area and then no one is there. (Mobs) and next thing i am taking damage then dead lol

Not sure how it is on the EU side of things but I've noticed a bit of lag on the US servers quite a bit lately. Tho I put that down to latency really lol. I would just check you got nothing else going on your internet connection if it's less than 10Mb or something.

Yeah, I'm finding that happens a lot atm, level 6 now, and CK61938 how come you're on US?

I've been on the US servers since beta and I played with a lot of people back then so it made sense to stick to that side.

I take it that this thread isnts taked about much lol. I am really enjoying it so far. I dont know what it is but It fixes the itch of the usual 5 man groups and specs. And its free.

I was thinking about going Shield/Earth for a tank what do you think?

As a Tank any weapon is good enough. Shield is definitely one I would list as a good weapon for tanks.
I wonder if many people are still playing this. I still am and a lot has changed since I last posted on here.

We've got the new DLC - The Hand Of Fate - due out sometime this month. And given what I have seen in terms of pics and videos, this looks like it's going to change a lot of things for players.

They're introducing a new feature called The Utility Belt. It pretty much does what it says on the tin. You can choose up to 3 extra items in your trinket slot and they can range from trinket to consumable to power-ups. And you can use them at once or carefully use them one at a time and this will help give you an edge in fights.

We're also seeing two new characters added to the PVP Legends roster: Dr Fate (hero) and Felix Faust (villain). And this is on top of the already added on Superman and General Zod for PVP Legends.

Also shortly after Game Update 18 (released late August), they've made serious changes to how you can get Tier 1 gear now. They've reduced the number of marks of Triumph for Tier armour and when you do raids/alerts/duos, you get pretty much a serious amount of marks of triumph. The other reason for this is cos they have removed marks of Distinctions (if you have any of these spare you can convert them to Triumph in the Magic Wing console by the entrance).

So for example, a back piece for a Tier 1 armour used to be 40 marks of triumph. It is now 29 marks of triumph. And what was once 40 marks of distinction for Tier 2 back piece is now around 120 marks of triumph. But as I said, do enough raids and such and you can pick up around 200 marks in no time.

In addition to converting Marks of Distinction, you can also convert Marks of Krypton (obtained from the Fortress Of Solitude raids) and Marks of Momentum (obtained from the Flash Lightning Strikes DLC). So how many marks do you get for the conversions? Read below:

For 1 Mark of Distinction, you can convert this into 5 Mark of Triumph
For 10 Marks of Distinction, you can convert these into 50 Marks of Triumph
For 100 Marks of Distincion, you can convert these into 500 Marks of Triumph

For 1 Mark of Krypton, you can convert this into 50 Marks of Triumph
For 10 Marks of Krypton, you can convert these into 500 Marks of Triumph
For 100 Marks of Krypton, you can convert these into 5000 Marks of Triumph

For 1 Mark of Momentum, you can convert this into 10 Marks of Triumph
For 10 Marks of Momentum, you can convert these into 100 Marks of Triumph
For 100 Marks of Momentum, you can convert these into 1000 Marks of Triumph

Note, you must have the collected number of marks before you can convert them. So if you have 150 Marks of Krypton for example, you can get 10,000 Marks of Triumph. That's more than enough to get all of the Tier 1 armour of all 3 mentors (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman on hero side and Joker, Lex Luthor and Circe on villain side) and even get the Tier 2 armour across all 3 mentors if you have some spare.

Of course, if you are a new player, then it will be easy for you to gain marks for the Tier 1 and Tier 2 armour. For us vets, it just means more skill points. :)

Anyway, hope you're all having fun. And remember to visit the DC Universe Online website for more info. There is also an EU version of the site.
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Still playing CK61938? Thinking of getting back into it.

Yeah. I am still playing :)

Haven't been solidly playing like I used to, but I still raid now and then. A lot of new stuff coming up in the next several months or so.

We got what's known as "Hometurf". Where we finally get to build and maintain our hideout/cave/lair. This has got everyone excited. Hopefully it will be released by Jan/Feb 2013. It will be a DLC.

Then they've mentioned new raids and new T5 gear as well. So next year looks to be DCUO's best year yet :D
Trying to play this again but it's hanging the SOE black screen when I launch the game and can't do anything :/ really want to play, anyone had a similar problem and know how to fix? Tried a reinstall.

Normally a hanging SOE screen would indicate slow or no internet connection. At least from my experience that's what I have found it to be. Have you tried the web based launcher? Also, just in case, install/update Flash.
Anyone still playing this? They've now introduced Crossplay. Which basically means that all players on PC, PS3 and PS4 can all play the game together! Certainly increases the player base even more and I had no idea there were more players on the PSN than on PC. They outnumber us by nearly 4 to 1!

Also they announced that DCUO will be coming to Xbox! So those of you on that console will soon be able to play along with the likes of Superman and Batman!

Meanwhile, I am still playing and clocking up some serious hours of late. I do have periods where I don't play for weeks or months on end. But it's nice to go back and play like I never left in the first place. 5 years later and the game is still doing well! :)
Well since then, SOE no longer exists and it's now Daybreak Games. I had to create a new account cos SOE wouldn't link it from Pro7 back to SOE. But still kept all my characters. Game is certainly much better this time around and lots of epic new content and gears have been unleashed! I really wish you guys were able to get back into the game. It's still free to play if you decide to change your minds.
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