***Official DC Universe Online Thread***

Another patch was embedded last night. Roughly 130MB in size. I think they're going to be doing this until the game goes live.

One thing I did notice, the Outer Cavern raid is now longer than ever lol. I went in with a group of people from our league (BC Raiders) and we were at it for almost 3hrs. Couldnt defeat the last four bosses (Nightwing, Robin, Huntress and Batwoman all under OMAC control).

We tried all sorts of plans. In the end I had to leave cos it was getting late so I don't know if they succeeded after that. I will find out tonight when I get home from work.

This all stems from people who were saying the game was easy. Yet what they dont realise is when you get to level 30, there's a whole lot more to the game than just pottering around looking for missions to do. You have to now raid like crazy to get your brands to allow you to get your iconic armours. They've also changed it now so that you can buy Marks of Triumphs if you have enough Marks of Alliegiance. 10 Alliegiance will get you a Triumph. So do plenty of the Justice League missions and you can get your T1 armour that way. hopefully this will make the game just as fun as it was before the massive patch.
Well I've cancelled my pre-order. Ever since the big patch a couple weeks back, they've made the game not as fun anymore. Duos and alerts and raids are constantly bugged or crashing out. The fun has well and truly been sucked out of the game.

I'm hearing loads of people are not going to buy this game come 11th Jan. Who can blame them? Even me, a big DC fan, can't bear playing a game that is now ruined and why? Cos certain players deemed it to be "too easy". So what do the devs do? Oh yes, that's right, make it ten times harder to defeat NPCs during missions and such. Now the only people capable of doing these missions successfully are those who are fully geared with Tier 2 armour. Tier 1 can just about do it if they have a healer (mainly for duos), but if you've just levelled to 30, you've got no chance of surviving a duo/alert/raid unless you're in a team with fully tier 1 or tier 2 team.

I think the beta ends this weekend, according to a few people but I don't think it will since DC have started giving away keys this week. So it could still go on until a couple of days before release.

I'll still play it til then, but SOE and DC won't get a penny from me until I know it's as fun as it was when I first entered beta back in Nov.

Shame really, I was really looking forward to this game. There is hope. I hope :p lol
There was a new patch last night CK. That done anything to change your position?

You've got to remember, tweaks are being made. I've heard a lot of people complain the way you have, and they generally seem to take this into account. I wouldn't jump ship just yet :)
Yeah I jumped on last night and noticed there was a small patch. Seems to have made some difference to the game play and to the Contoller roles as well. So far so good. The patch notes also revealed that repair costs are down somewhat and so are soda colas for heals. So it's looking promising but I still am not sure if I will purchase it come release day.

Was raiding again with people from my league. We did the Outer Caverns (as usual lol) and got to the last one with the 4 OMACs. Couldn't defeat them all. I had to leave tho cos I crashed a few times. So no idea if the guys finished it. They did the last time I went with them, took over 3hrs as well lol.

So I'll see how things go tonight. :)
Changed the colour of my main character...and it now sports something rather nice:


And the front:

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I haven't really been following the development of this game, mainly because it's SOE and they have a terrible track record, but I was just wondering if anyone could briefly sum up how this is different/better than the previous Superhero MMOs Champions Online and City of Heroes/Villans.
Is anyone pre ordering? and if so where from? Nobody seems to be giving pre order bonus' besides steam.
Ive been playing a few weeks. I love it. I wouldn't say its "too easy" but at that, i can solo everything up to 20 thus far with maybe only a few deaths on certain missions. If you deem this too easy, then fine - but i just find it quite enjoyable at this level.

The game for me is going to be finding costume parts, and working on rep for the endgame pieces, and instances etc. I love the feel of the game. The combat is very fast and engaging. I was worried when watching videos, that the combat system would feel like animations on top of a database.. by that i was worried you would be able to feel the combat system as a bit of a gimmick - but its not. It actually does play like a console action beat-em up, and it works just fine on a keyboard and mouse. The options there to plug a pad in if you want to.

I was also not sure about the collecting visual armour aspect, rather than creating and sticking with a design at character creation - but i have to say, finding a rare weapon or costume piece feels awesome.. There are some real gems in there as well - like Superman's S symbol, Batman's sign etc. I have a black and gold "Robin" hat that dropped for me, looks sweet and Ive redesigned my character look based around it.

If there's one thing that really kind of disappoints me on the game as it stands right now, and something i don't think that's going to get changed for launch - its the character creation aspect. As it is, there's really NO POINT to character creation at all. Every item from creation is available in game to buy from a vendor, and by the time you are level 4 you look will have probably been completely upgraded with items you find in the first mission area and look very different. Id like this changed to focus less on the costume, and more on the overall physical look and theme of the character.. more skin options, body styles, face creation/customisation etc.

Its great though, very polished as well. Despite the tuning of powers, the PC version has great graphics, no performance issues (although i have a high end rig) and is very stable now.

Looking forward to launch with this one!
Got it pre-ordered on Steam.

Looking forward to release, i stopped playing the beta a week ago, as i felt i'd played enough to warrant my purchase on release and didn't want to delve any further into the content or put time into a character that wouldn't be there.
If there's one thing that really kind of disappoints me on the game as it stands right now, and something i don't think that's going to get changed for launch - its the character creation aspect. As it is, there's really NO POINT to character creation at all. Every item from creation is available in game to buy from a vendor, and by the time you are level 4 you look will have probably been completely upgraded with items you find in the first mission area and look very different. Id like this changed to focus less on the costume, and more on the overall physical look and theme of the character.. more skin options, body styles, face creation/customisation etc.

You can change your character's skin and hair now. There's a vendor in Watchtower for the hair in the Aquacultural Area. In Metropolis, go to STAR Labs and there's a vendor outside, at the back of the building next to the water, to change your skin. It is awesome may I say :D

I am still at two minds whether to re-order this again as I cancelled my pre-order when they did the big patch and ruined a lot of things. But it does seem those smaller patches are starting to make things better. There's still a long way to go til it's good enough to be deemed awesome. But so far, it's not bad. Still say a March release would have been better.
While i am looking forward to this game :D ...im also not. the one thing that ruins MMO's are angry nerds that spend their 20Hours Gameplay a day hateing on people that dont know as much as they do.

So Imo MMO fans+Comic book fans+ 12yo ps3 (ive heard ps3 and pc will crossover)call of duty fans ALL playing under the one roof = MMO casual players hell :P
While i am looking forward to this game :D ...im also not. the one thing that ruins MMO's are angry nerds that spend their 20Hours Gameplay a day hateing on people that dont know as much as they do.

So Imo MMO fans+Comic book fans+ 12yo ps3 (ive heard ps3 and pc will crossover)call of duty fans ALL playing under the one roof = MMO casual players hell :P

There will be no multi-platform play I'm afraid! :(
Ok guys listen up, in the US the beta will be ending later tonight 5th Jan and in Europe it'll be ending 6th Jan. Here are the details:

US Beta servers - Wed Jan 5th:

PC Beta 2 - Wed 5th Jan - 4PM PT (Midnight UK) - Botanical Gardens - Batman vs The Joker
PC Beta 1 - Wed 5th Jan - 5PM PT (1AM UK) - Choose between Botanical Gardens (Batman vs The Joker) or Centennial Park (Superman vs Lex Luthor)
PS3 Beta 2 - Wed 5th Jan - 5PM PT (1AM UK) - Same as above
PC Beta 3 - Wed 5th Jan - 6PM PT (2AM UK) - Again as above. Only difference with this one is you can fight with or against Jim Lee who will be playing as future Batman from the "Who do you trust" video that's featured on the DCUO website.
PS3 beta 3 - Wed 5th Jan - 6PM PT (2AM UK) - Choose between Botanical Gardens or Centiennial Park
PC Beta 4 - Wed 5th Jan - 7PM PT (3AM UK) - Same as above
PS3 Beta 1 - Wed 5th Jan - 7PM PT (3AM UK) - Same as PC Beta 3

European servers - Thurs 6th Jan:

EU PS3 Beta 1 - Thurs 6th Jan - 11AM CT (5PM UK) - Botanical Gardens for Batman vs The Joker
EU PS3 Beta 2 - Thurs 6th Jan - 12 NOON CT (6PM UK) - Centennial Park for Superman vs Lex Luthor

That's yer lot. If you still haven't had chance to get into the game, don't worry game is released on 11th Jan and will be out worldwide by 14th Jan. :)
bizzaro... i thought that was the purpose of this god awful interface and chat system with no mouse control... so that we're all on equal footing when it comes to gaming

Lol...there's going to be a number of servers just like there was for beta. we had 4 servers for the PC and 3 for the PS3.

We don't know how many there'll be come launch but I wouldn't be surprised if there was 3 PVE and 1 PVP for each platform. Plus it'll be kinda odd to have someone who uses a PC playing someone who uses a PS3.
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are the PvP servers a full on free for all faction vs faction type ruleset ? and can you still have some PvP on the other servers ? cheers

still debating whether or not to try this game, by all accounts the beta has been quite good and the game will be released in a playable state unlike a lot of rushed MMo's..
are the PvP servers a full on free for all faction vs faction type ruleset ? and can you still have some PvP on the other servers ? cheers

still debating whether or not to try this game, by all accounts the beta has been quite good and the game will be released in a playable state unlike a lot of rushed MMo's..

In PVE mode, at least during beta, they had a 5min PVP ring war that took place by LexCorp Tower. And this I think starts when you're around level 5 onwards. On the PVP servers, I think it's when you hit level 10 you're permanently flagged for pvp. So get ready for pure gankage lol.

And you can still pvp in the pve server just by typing /pvp and wait for a villain to do the same and you can do battle.
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