*** Official DCS World Thread ***

Did a quick revamp of some of the mission on my server. That includes sorting out the TACAN frequencies for the carriers and tankers, adding some Yaks, changing some of the default "hot starting" loadouts on the F18s.

Note that the carrier group now has 3 carriers, the Stennis, Tarawa and a version of the HMS Hermes.
The Hermes is a mod, which you'll need to have installed to be able to connect to the server. The location for the Hermes file is here:

I've been running both daytime and night time operations. Was working last night on practicing night, ship based take off and landings in the F18, Harrier and Huey.
Need to offer apols on tonight, I need to take the missus for dinner.

(Pre-requisite before sign off of funding for the VPC throttle)

Note: Also not available this Wed (15th Aug).
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Fair enough

I've just managed to get my headset working again too so was planning on being on, then one of our pilots qualified on spitfire today so the bar was open.....

Not fit to fly tonight :(
Im out tonight also but should be around tomorrow.

Looks like the new EW updates, AMRAAM and aim9x got into the update today so that will be good. Knowing when the AMRAAM`s pitbull will be a great help!
MrR, great to fly with you last night.
I've already removed the statics from the Stennis and cleaned up the waypoints for the ships, which should resolve their rather odd looking courses.
I'll add some container ships tonight such that we have some easy targets at sea to play with.

Some additional thoughts:
- If you buy the Persian Gulf map, do advise and I'll put some missions together there, it's a great looking map visually
- Have a think about some air to air scenarios. Clearly we can spawn targets of a variety of types. I will put at least one together where we can chose to be an aggressor to allow us to fly against each other. Would be useful to discuss ideas on tactics for that
- The existing mission does include tankers for us to practice with
- I'll pull together a strike mission for us to play at, with some ground defences
- I already have a nighttime version of the mission we used last night, such that we can work up Case 3 landing. As mentioned, it's very much NOT easy.
yep, was great fun :)

I think im going to bite the bullet and buy the PG map this weekend. I dont think its going to go on sale any time soon and I have no will power!

A few scenarios I can think of for A2A:

- us v X bandits at BVR and also ACM range
- High altitude V low alt and vice versa

A strike mission would be fun with some low level work etc and maybe a refuel enroute ;)

I will think of more when im done with work!
We can talk more the next time we're on at the same time.
In the meantime, I'll run up those thoughts into some missions. For the strike mission, I'll set something up in the PG.
Yep, should be on.
I've continued to tidy up the "server" mission. Added some freighters if you fancy target practice against ships.

Also been working on the following:
- Use of ILS
- Configuration of the mk20 rockeyes. Thought that they might be interesting for use in a strike mission against a bunch of static targets
- Learning how to manually add waypoints on the fly with the F18
I tried putting that all together last night and end up doing a strike mission very similar to a Viggen, i.e. very low level all the way to the target point, pop up, cluster bomb attack, leave very quickly. Made an interesting change from using LGBs.
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