Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

Well if you do learn all the memory timings that the DFI has, let the rest of us know will you - there is absolutely crap-loads :D
Gaz123 said:
WELL I JUST USED nvida tune up app on my dfi with gkill and now my computer will not boot i have to clear the cmos when i get home and hope it boots.

now i get 3 leds on the mobo


Gaz, you will need to clear cmos fully as it seems to chjange settings in cmos & bios, so when you reboot it still tries to load the bad settings.

Had a similar problem myself.
Can user pls be aware that BIOS 217 has issues.

A newer BIOS build, with an older 'NVMM' (whatever that is) is available that fixes the problem.

2.18 Beta DL mirror for OCUK is available from first post - tested and stable.
well the NVMM that no one can talk about or tell us waht it is :(

Nvidia Memory Manager maybe ?

But allot of ppl have reported problems with 217, and Oskar Wu released the 218 as a fix , but they are all beta's after all :(
I knew you was going to say that, I did read your sig, but some ppl seem tochange hardware faster then they can update their Sig ;)

Anyway try it at 2T and see how far you get.
Don't forget to set the HTT multiplier to 3x when you push over 250mhz.
Also, TCCD at CAs3 - eek, should'nt go any slacker then 2.5,4,8,4 2T.

It could be your CPU though, what week is it ?

-128 is an error , as in its not reading at all now.

Could be a voltage problem from BIOS or your monitoring chip has given up.(RMA)

Did you change anything that may be linked to them not working (BIOS update?)
zil said:
I flashed to the latest bios when i first got the board but the temp mointor has been working fine since then.

Check your voltages in BIOS, see if anything odd there.

If not then its likely the Monitoring chip has failed and board will need RMA>
Yeah as duffman said, that is the next logical step.

But as I said, most TCCD can hold cas2.5 upto 270+ anyway, so PDPsys have just been very conservative with their timings.
As also pointed out already - could be your CPU, I already asked what week it was, ( just need the full second line of code from off the top of your CPU).
zixiazhang said:
Rilot my arctitc silencer for my x800xl fits fine if you think it might be a problem why not just put it into the lower slot. I've figured out the problem with my RAM, I got it to boot with 1 stick in the orange slot furthest from CPU and where as one stick mangaged to do 280 so far 1:1 I couldnt even get the other to boot at 250 1:1 with the same setting! So it looks like i'm gonna have to RMA the ram great....

Was just going to post - its the slot furthest away :)

Anyway, at least you tracked it down, only takes 1 bad chip to stop you in your tracks.

Not been hearing good things about direct RMA to PDPsys, so try your very best to go through your supplier.
Mike your deffinitley loading your OCZ supply, might be better with the 600 or a zippy700 if you dont want to run 2PSU's
Yeah might be stable ATM, but with another 6800Ultra adn some FX55 clocking, you might start to suffer - although you might get away with, sinc enot every drive will be running at the same time as very intense 3D apps right ?

Just make sure you keep checking it, random reboots are a sign of under powered PSU.
Bennah - same question been answered a few times in thread with the exact stuff you get in each. use search this thread.

Its Green to black to turn PSU on - try and find a lead though.
Wait for the LE - LA is ok, but its not rated at 1T, ppl have had far better results with LE for high HTT 1T clocking then they have withn its more expensive brother.


accoring to club3D spec, a 6800 Ultra requires 120W, so 2 would require 240Wmin.
Max Thermal Power: 104 W
Max Icc (processor current): 80A

Irs fairly linear too, so 10% increase in clock = 10% in power.
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