*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

1. I will random before all other four heroes are picked, therefore there is no issue with 'it doesn't function with the team'

2. You have to start learning somewhere, playing bots is not that place, I think once you've played enough games you can understand that you know, last hitting is last hitting and placing wards is placing wards.

3. It isn't just about the gold, I might not be able to make my mind up or just fancy playing anything, hitting the random button does that.

4. Good, keep doing captains mode, then you can not complain about people picking heroes in 'All' pick.
Like I said, I have no issue with randoming before you have something like 3 carries or 3 supports picked, after it becomes silly and a burden but to flat out complain about it is dumb, its the purpose of all pick
Actually this training idea doesn't sound bad, I wouldn't mind some general training, for example, times when I should be looking to go in for kills, when I should be farming, where I should be farming, when I should be pushing, what lane I should push, and also good times to go and defend, I also think stuff on positioning would help. Basically I just need tonnes of help in general.

You need to go learn to last hit in lane.

When to farm is easy, when you aren't pushing a lane or team is going for a kill. Also bare in mind if you're team is going somewhere for a gank it might just be as easy to get TP from sideshop and TP when necessary.

I'm up for some educational games over weekend though, I did try last night to help my team and asked them to say when they needed help.
icex3 is probably the best laning mid in the world, not sure about the rest of the game though :p

That QoP was crap, I don't believe I would've died to that, certainly not twice. Was he on a smurf?
Is dc'ing, purposefully I mean, a problem in this game?

We were losing last night and looked like were going to be picked apart and someone within minutes went offline permanently. Then with 4v5 we won :p

Only a problem in the early games with new players, once people start to care they won't abandon.
If you guys don't like solo queueing get on - TeamSpeak 3

Pretty much guaranteed always to have a couple of us willing to play, pretty sure Murray/Anuraj and few others playing now
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