Got an alch with greevils greed, press the attack and prophet ulti. Got so much gold. Unfortunately they had LC with duel and skeleton walk (?) the clinkz one with invis and 44% move speed increase. Ended with 400+ bonus damage
Next game got sven with his cleave, jinada and ion shell. Went pure damage on him, the massive crit every 6 seconds plus the 60% cleave wiped out creep waves in one hit!
Anyone seen a silencer? That hero would be extremely OP with his built in int steal now it isn't tied to a skill. Also, I assume invoker isn't in the hero pool?
Dang Brewmaster and a lot of other strength initiators are so much better in this patch thanks to the blink dagger buff don't even need mana boots just pulled our team out of a hole to win a game, ****ing love this hero, with the reduced cooldown on his ulti you can fight all the time too. So good.
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