*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Its not 6k sadly, one game away. 5.9k atm.

I find the biggest class fascists are the middle class, desperately clawing their way up the social ladder while trampling and spitting on those below them. We can observe a similar phenomenon in Dota funnily enough, and so I think your MMR/skill is decidedly middle of the road judging by your general disdain for others in this thread

I may ofc be talking ******** and you may ofc be just trolling :p
Please stop replying people, it is a cringeworthy troll attempt

Well ability draft isn't going to help you improve in the slightest, I think it'll make you worse actually.

What makes your think I want to improve?

I play the game for fun, I don't play ranked.

That's not to say I feed and build stupid items etc, I'm just not tryharding I don't sit an counter pick. I pick the hero I want to play and I'll play it to the best I can.
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Time for my weekly rant.

solo queue 101
1) pick disruptor rubick brew gyro windrunner (not the best but I wanted to play panda, someone asked for disruptor)
2) "we have no tank or carry"
3) ask for trilane "trilanes are for wannabe pros"
4) windrunner gyro top (?) disruptor rubick bottom (?)
5) flame captain for picks
6) feed
7) ask for upgraded courier "**** you"
8) solo mid panda upgrades courier + buys wards
9) keep telling people on mic to stay positive and that if we work together we can win.
10) flame me more.
11) feed.
12) gg.

feel drained zzzzzzz

oh and because Ben loves it when I post screenshots
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The attitues in CM is usally way better than allpick. Not sure what MMR you are but i find trilanes can be a bit of a double edged sword, half the time people don't know how to doublepull and support at all.
The attitues in CM is usally way better than allpick. Not sure what MMR you are but i find trilanes can be a bit of a double edged sword, half the time people don't know how to doublepull and support at all.

Yeah I refuse to play all pick solo ranked and I agree CM/CD is usually better but not in this case. And my MMR isn't high (2.9k) but how are you supposed to get out of my MMR when it's just luck of the draw whether you get good/bad. I'm tempted to make a new account but getting up to level 13 would take ages.

And as for the trilane thing, sure I don't always draft trilanes, but I drafted it in this case, I wanted them to stick to it but they refuse. If I have a plan as a captain and they ignore it then what can I do.
Yeah I refuse to play all pick solo ranked and I agree CM/CD is usually better but not in this case. And my MMR isn't high (2.9k) but how are you supposed to get out of my MMR when it's just luck of the draw whether you get good/bad. I'm tempted to make a new account but getting up to level 13 would take ages.

And as for the trilane thing, sure I don't always draft trilanes, but I drafted it in this case, I wanted them to stick to it but they refuse. If I have a plan as a captain and they ignore it then what can I do.

All Pick solo ranked is fine for me. I play between 4300-4600 MMR and get some really good games when I solo queue AP. I think the main reason for this is all the Tryhards in this bracket trying to get to 5k.
And as for the trilane thing, sure I don't always draft trilanes, but I drafted it in this case, I wanted them to stick to it but they refuse. If I have a plan as a captain and they ignore it then what can I do.

Yea, honestly I don't understand dota players sometimes. Some seem to tryahard at failing and there's not much you can do
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I used to only queue CM when solo queueing until I realised its worse than AP because people just bitch about the picks and then say gg captain before the game even starts. You usually spend most of your time waiting on the game starting only for people to give up before it starts, all pick isn't usually that bad anyway. I get to practice heroes I want to every game.
I used to only queue CM when solo queueing until I realised its worse than AP because people just bitch about the picks and then say gg captain before the game even starts. You usually spend most of your time waiting on the game starting only for people to give up before it starts, all pick isn't usually that bad anyway. I get to practice heroes I want to every game.

Yeah I'm starting to agree with you just played an LD game all pick and just AFK jungled came out with ac radiance and won. I'm just gonna pick self sufficient heroes from now on in ap.
LD isn't a very self sufficient hero, he is very easy to shut down and he needs his team to create space for him.

He isn't good in the jungle either, way better in the offlane or safe lane as you can get midas and then radiance by the 18 minute mark with AC by 25 if doing it right.
Yeah you are right about that but thats why I picked him because you can basically put him anywhere. So if I get some scrub saying "mid or feed" or no one picks a support to support me in lane or someone already goes offlane I can just go in jungle, I know he's not a great jungler I got radiance by 20 minutes (I think) so I wasn't doing that bad.

Also you're a good LD player do you carry the ac on the bear or the hero? I tried both and think I prefer it on the bear.
you put everything on the bear, your hero shouldn't be anywhere near the fight really, just running around at the back while your bear does all the damage.

The only time I've seen people carry the AC on the hero is when you are dying a lot or getting focused too much, then I can see it being worth having it on the hero. I haven't played the hero since the patch so I haven't experimented with skipping midas to get mael then going mael>radiance>AC yet but it looks pretty strong.
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you put everything on the bear, your hero shouldn't be anywhere near the fight really, just running around at the back while your bear does all the damage.

The only time I've seen people carry the AC on the hero is when you are dying a lot or getting focused too much, then I can see it being worth having it on the hero. I haven't played the hero since the patch so I haven't experimented with skipping midas to get mael then going mael>radiance>AC yet but it looks pretty strong.

Yeah it was just they had potm and a pudge was worried about getting focussed on the hero but I guess if I got dismembered I'm ****ed anyway. Nothing changed to him in the patch did it just item changes? Ah just looked entangle isn't an orb so yeah I guess mael is awesome now.
Just got the net at my new house and had my first game in ages. Played AD and was fun, didn't get the best pick but looking forward to another go.
Yeah I refuse to play all pick solo ranked and I agree CM/CD is usually better but not in this case. And my MMR isn't high (2.9k) but how are you supposed to get out of my MMR when it's just luck of the draw whether you get good/bad. I'm tempted to make a new account but getting up to level 13 would take ages.

And as for the trilane thing, sure I don't always draft trilanes, but I drafted it in this case, I wanted them to stick to it but they refuse. If I have a plan as a captain and they ignore it then what can I do.

I cant stand captains that draft a hero for me and tell me or my team what we are playing/doing. Just because you have seen the team work somewhere or another does not mean that the people in your game are able to play the heroes you are picking.

Personally i have no trouble playing any hero, but that doesnt ring true for most of the people out there and having people not even wanting to play because the guy that was first to click the captain button decided what they would be playing is just a waste of my time.

If you are going to captain then you can make sure you have a carry/support/initiate etc in your team but let them pick their heroes.

I also dislike the insistence on tri-lane too, invariably the people supporting in the lane dont actually harrass/pull/roam and the carry is just losing xp. If somebody wants a solo lane i would rather have a jungler on the team.
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