I cant stand captains that draft a hero for me and tell me or my team what we are playing/doing. Just because you have seen the team work somewhere or another does not mean that the people in your game are able to play the heroes you are picking.
Personally i have no trouble playing any hero, but that doesnt ring true for most of the people out there and having people not even wanting to play because the guy that was first to click the captain button decided what they would be playing is just a waste of my time.
If you are going to captain then you can make sure you have a carry/support/initiate etc in your team but let them pick their heroes.
I also dislike the insistence on tri-lane too, invariably the people supporting in the lane dont actually harrass/pull/roam and the carry is just losing xp. If somebody wants a solo lane i would rather have a jungler on the team.
What is the point in queuing either captain mode if you're not going to have a captain and a plan. "I cant stand captains that draft a hero for me and tell me or my team what we are playing/doing." It's called all pick idk if you've heard of it it's a separate game mode where you can pick what you like. Seriously you queue a game mode where 1 person gets to pick for your team and you want your own pick when there's a whole game mode where you can pick what you like, wtf is wrong with you? And as I've already said, I don't always insist on a trilane but I did in this case.
And every time I captain first thing I ask is "any requests" and in that game the guy asked for disruptor I gave it to him.
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