*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I cant stand captains that draft a hero for me and tell me or my team what we are playing/doing. Just because you have seen the team work somewhere or another does not mean that the people in your game are able to play the heroes you are picking.

Personally i have no trouble playing any hero, but that doesnt ring true for most of the people out there and having people not even wanting to play because the guy that was first to click the captain button decided what they would be playing is just a waste of my time.

If you are going to captain then you can make sure you have a carry/support/initiate etc in your team but let them pick their heroes.

I also dislike the insistence on tri-lane too, invariably the people supporting in the lane dont actually harrass/pull/roam and the carry is just losing xp. If somebody wants a solo lane i would rather have a jungler on the team.

What is the point in queuing either captain mode if you're not going to have a captain and a plan. "I cant stand captains that draft a hero for me and tell me or my team what we are playing/doing." It's called all pick idk if you've heard of it it's a separate game mode where you can pick what you like. Seriously you queue a game mode where 1 person gets to pick for your team and you want your own pick when there's a whole game mode where you can pick what you like, wtf is wrong with you? And as I've already said, I don't always insist on a trilane but I did in this case.

And every time I captain first thing I ask is "any requests" and in that game the guy asked for disruptor I gave it to him.
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What is the point in queuing either captain mode if you're not going to have a captain and a plan. "I cant stand captains that draft a hero for me and tell me or my team what we are playing/doing." It's called all pick idk if you've heard of it it's a separate game mode where you can pick what you like. Seriously you queue a game mode where 1 person gets to pick for your team and you want your own pick when there's a whole game mode where you can pick what you like, wtf is wrong with you? And as I've already said, I don't always insist on a trilane but I did in this case.

And every time I captain first thing I ask is "any requests" and in that game the guy asked for disruptor I gave it to him.

Was thinking the same thing Mason lol, go to all pick. Whole point of CM/CD is blocking the other team and trying to build a team that synergies together.
What is the point in queuing either captain mode if you're not going to have a captain and a plan. "I cant stand captains that draft a hero for me and tell me or my team what we are playing/doing." It's called all pick idk if you've heard of it it's a separate game mode where you can pick what you like. Seriously you queue a game mode where 1 person gets to pick for your team and you want your own pick when there's a whole game mode where you can pick what you like, wtf is wrong with you? And as I've already said, I don't always insist on a trilane but I did in this case.

And every time I captain first thing I ask is "any requests" and in that game the guy asked for disruptor I gave it to him.

All pick generally means unbalanced teams or the dodgy broken heroes like np in every game. Captains mode means you can at least gaurantee to have support/initiate/carry etc with a plan and ban out op or counter heroes.
Was thinking the same thing Mason lol, go to all pick. Whole point of CM/CD is blocking the other team and trying to build a team that synergies together.

That doesnt mean picking for your team, that means ensuring your team has the roles covered and try to counter their team picks and ban out dodgy heroes.
I would also point out that a person clicking that captain button does not necessarily have the knowledge/skill to be a captain. Unless you are queueing as a 5 i think its safe to assume that any captain that is picking heroes regardless of his teams wishes is likely awful.
If you are playing captains mode and wanting him to pick whatever you want and not tell you what to do then you are playing the completely wrong game mode. This whole point of the captain is to pick heroes and a startegy for you guys to play around, obviously he shouldn't pick one that requires too much teamwork or skill but thats not the point.

I'd also get used to tri-lanes, they aren't going anywhere any time soon.

NP isn't a dodgy broken hero, maybe at low level where people don't understand the map and TPs he is but maybe you should just learn how to deal with him or pick a counter to him since its AP. Playing CM just because it doesn't have 'broken' heroes in it everygame is completely the wrong reason to do it, you play it for your picks to have more synergy and for your captain to have a plan before the game starts.
If you are playing captains mode and wanting him to pick whatever you want and not tell you what to do then you are playing the completely wrong game mode. This whole point of the captain is to pick heroes and a startegy for you guys to play around, obviously he shouldn't pick one that requires too much teamwork or skill but thats not the point.

I'd also get used to tri-lanes, they aren't going anywhere any time soon.

NP isn't a dodgy broken hero, maybe at low level where people don't understand the map and TPs he is but maybe you should just learn how to deal with him or pick a counter to him since its AP. Playing CM just because it doesn't have 'broken' heroes in it everygame is completely the wrong reason to do it, you play it for your picks to have more synergy and for your captain to have a plan before the game starts.

I have no trouble dealing with any hero, and i do queue all pick solo to save time on the selection.

I disagree, i think some champions are a little silly to deal with without a coordinated team, people like prophet and naix for instance and hence if i dont want to play them myself i would rather see them banned out.

As for low level/high level it is an unfortunate circumstance that unless you create a fresh account or play an inordinate amount of games to creep up the mmr due to being lumped with bad teammates you are unlikely to play at a high level in solo queue.
No, you can deal with Furion and Naix rather easily without a team, it actually only takes one person to shut down a Furion in the jungle and its rather easy to gank Naix as well if you have a team that understands that he needs to be ganked. He's also rather easy to kite in team fights and thats all you really have to do, just kite him and don't let him stand and hit you.

You can easily get to a higher level of mmr through solo queue, I've seen someone go from 4.2k up to 5k and someone go from 5.2k to 6.2k. It isn't impossible, if you are good enough to increase your mmr then you will increase it.

I've played with loads of people who say they should be the same mmr as me if it wasn't for bad team mates but I've played with them and they aren't very good, they might be better than some of the players that they get matched with but you just have to deal with it when you aren't good enough to play with better players yet. Even at 6k mmr you get idiots ruining the game anyway so it hardly matters.
No, you can deal with Furion and Naix rather easily without a team, it actually only takes one person to shut down a Furion in the jungle and its rather easy to gank Naix as well if you have a team that understands that he needs to be ganked. He's also rather easy to kite in team fights and thats all you really have to do, just kite him and don't let him stand and hit you.

You can easily get to a higher level of mmr through solo queue, I've seen someone go from 4.2k up to 5k and someone go from 5.2k to 6.2k. It isn't impossible, if you are good enough to increase your mmr then you will increase it.

I've played with loads of people who say they should be the same mmr as me if it wasn't for bad team mates but I've played with them and they aren't very good, they might be better than some of the players that they get matched with but you just have to deal with it when you aren't good enough to play with better players yet. Even at 6k mmr you get idiots ruining the game anyway so it hardly matters.

The best way i have found to increase your MMR is to get really good at offlane solo. I have added 400 MMR to my account because i play solo offlane exclusively and can stomp most pubs with it. Best 2 hero's for this are Clock and Timber. These two also stomp on nax and furio players, especially clock who owns furio really hard.
No, you can deal with Furion and Naix rather easily without a team, it actually only takes one person to shut down a Furion in the jungle and its rather easy to gank Naix as well if you have a team that understands that he needs to be ganked. He's also rather easy to kite in team fights and thats all you really have to do, just kite him and don't let him stand and hit you.

You can easily get to a higher level of mmr through solo queue, I've seen someone go from 4.2k up to 5k and someone go from 5.2k to 6.2k. It isn't impossible, if you are good enough to increase your mmr then you will increase it.

I've played with loads of people who say they should be the same mmr as me if it wasn't for bad team mates but I've played with them and they aren't very good, they might be better than some of the players that they get matched with but you just have to deal with it when you aren't good enough to play with better players yet. Even at 6k mmr you get idiots ruining the game anyway so it hardly matters.

Knowing to kite a naix doesnt stop him wrecking your teammates and feeding up on them. Countering furion really requires either a stealther or a spirit breaker so consigns you to specific heroes.

You cant 'easily' go up mmr, its a grind until you manage to get matched with the better players more than you get the bads. My last few games i have had some truly awful players on my team just feeding the hell out of the enemy and throwing the game away. Nothing i can do about it as one guy unless the enemy are all woefully incompetent.

I will still queue solo ranked anyway when i play but i certainly put no stock in anybodys solo mmr.
If you care about ranked and you want to climb the ranks the consensus appears to be, go high impact heroes that don't need their teammates to help them.

Solo offlanes or strong mid heroes. You have a much better chance of making an impact due to the level advantage.
Still a nub player so can someone explain how clock is good? A lot of people bang on about him being good but couple of times I've had him random is a bit meh.
He can solo kill pretty much any hero in the game early on. He can gank out of nowhere with his hook, once he is six and not on the map then you have to play safe or there is a very high chance you are going to be dead.

He can keep a hero in a single place for 5 seconds at level 1, he is very tanky early on which makes him great in the offlane being able to disrupt farm, pick up lots of levels and even kill the supports.

I've played a lot of him and like to think I'm a good clock player, probably one of my favourite heroes in the game.

Clock is great but you do need to be careful with that hook! Even if he doesnt get a huge amount of kills he can usually make a big impact in the game.
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