*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I disagree but whatever, I also don't think I'd have lost that game because winning at low tier is pretty easy I feel and my winrate on Luna isn't exactly bad.


I'm no Purdy but whatever I know how to play Luna well and what items work when, S&Y isn't bad all the time but it hardly ever works and is only good if you are struggling and need some early hp boost that the sange gives you but then you dismantle it to finish manta faster.

Phase boots aren't really that good on Luna ever... she benefits so much more from the extra hp and attack speed that treads give way more than they extra damage and phase.

Bkb would have been preferred by 99% of players(the 1% being Purdy who would build mask of madness) over S&Y because it is simply better.
I played a game yesterday with Purdy's luna. As you can see from this link: http://dotabuff.com/matches/525370987 he bought MoM after getting a 15 minute midas (He had to farm a wand first because of Bristle so that is why it was delayed). We ended up winning the game even after being very far behind. Can confirm MoM because item.

As for this, I'm pretty sure the maim part of sange is no longer a unique attack modifier if that's what you were getting at.

Sand dunes justification of the item is fair. Sometimes you need to build items in an order that is most beneficial to you at your place in the game

The % move speed bonuses don't stack.
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I disagree but whatever, I also don't think I'd have lost that game because winning at low tier is pretty easy I feel and my winrate on Luna isn't exactly bad.


I'm no Purdy but whatever I know how to play Luna well and what items work when, S&Y isn't bad all the time but it hardly ever works and is only good if you are struggling and need some early hp boost that the sange gives you but then you dismantle it to finish manta faster.

Phase boots aren't really that good on Luna ever... she benefits so much more from the extra hp and attack speed that treads give way more than they extra damage and phase.

Bkb would have been preferred by 99% of players(the 1% being Purdy who would build mask of madness) over S&Y because it is simply better.

TI5 tactics, watch, the go 1-7 transistion into bonus kill gold will win it for SoDi
TI5 tactics, watch, the go 1-7 transistion into bonus kill gold will win it for SoDi

TobiWan "And the venomancer with the ultimate, it hits 4 heros. 1 down, 2 down, 3 down AND IT'S AN ULTRA KILL FOR THE VENOMANCER"
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ez. <3 WR

just played a game which was 4v5 and won.

on another note finally out of scrub tier and into noob tier 3k+ mmr, woo!
Had a good coupe of games last 2 nights.

Played a DK last night and got a really good combo going with Lion. Can't remember my k/d but we roamed the map dominating, overall the game was close but we got the win in the end.

Played Nyx tonight and forgot how much I loved this hero. Was only 5/2 but got around 19 assists and had a blast of a time with him.

Still making itemisation mistakes but don't mind too much when I'm learning.
The main things that you will learn as you progress is the importance of items like Wards, dusts and Scrolls. Thats one thing I began to notice the more I played.

Its really quite vital to have good map visability. This is something that is overlooked in low level pubs. Learning to last hit, deny and prioritise items etc. All part of the fun of starting out :)
Just had one of the most one sided matches i've ever played, my entire team got entirely destroyed.
Then at the end found out i was against a 5 stack, i thought they made it so solo ranked queue wouldn't put you against a 5 stack ever, worst case a 4 stack and even that sucks.

Nige that's nothing to be honest, since they removed the option to solo queue against others solo queuing, there are times when 5 individual players are going up against a 5 stack.

4 + 1 vs a 5 isn't a huge disparity.
It makes a huge difference though, 5 people with a plan and comms have a massive advantage. I had no idea my team was 4 stacked from the way they were playing all just doing there own thing whereas the other team played together from the start.

One of the patches removed the ability for 5 solo to face a 5 stack its not possible anymore.
My guess with that game is the 4 i was with were just friends grouped whereas we were against 5 people try harding, but the system obviously cant account for that.

The game shouldn't put solo people against teams like that its too one sided, i don't mind loosing at all just want it to be a balanced game. I think there is big difference between 4 and 5 stacks solo people shouldn't be grouped against them at all.

5 stack you have complete control over picks, lanes, what to do and when etc.
4 stack theres always that random factor, the solo player could pick something that doesn't fit with the team do his own thing not go to fights etc which limits what strategy the 4 stack can plan for in the first place.
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Really they should just have solo queue and five stack queue. Shouldn't let smaller groups do ranked and that way could avoid these problems.
That way smaller groups couldn't play ranked.

Yes exactly. The game is 5v5 teams, you should either be queuing as a 5, or all solo to keep it fair. If you just want to play with 1 other mate you should just have to play normal matches. Would keep the ranked games a lot fairer.
??? There is nothing wrong with people who aren't 5 stacks playing in ranked matchmaking, it would cause uproar to change that since hardly anyone plays unranked seriously anymore. People blame the other team being 5 stacks on a lot of loses when really that isn't the reason. Your team having worse players? Sure, maybe but thats matchmaking not the amount of players in a party.

Maybe they could add a solo queue only option again but they removed that because queues were gonna be huge. Would you rather have a 25 minute queue with only solo queue players playing with other solo queue or have it like it is now? I know which I'd rather have.

At the mmr we are all discussing here it hardly matters about communication, player skill is EASILY the most important factor. At 5k+ mmr sure communication means a lot more but I've hardly seen people at that level complain about it because I really don't think they care since they already experience long enough queues as it is and wouldn't want that made even longer.

I just feel like people are complaining because they lost and had a few bad teammates and are blaming it on the whole they were a 5 stack thing. I know for a fact that the role someone plays and the hero they are on more than a lot of things at this level, for example I am AWFUL at support, I don't support my carry enough, I forget to place wards a lot of the time, I miss stacks and I'm not near fight a lot. That's because I never play it. I can have a much bigger impact on games in the offlane or in mid. I can do the basic things like always buy wards, deward, smoke gank, buy tp's for my carry/mid when they die, etc but I am GAME LOSING on support(ask anyone I've supported here recently) and I feel like its the same for a lot of people at around 3-4k mmr. I can tell you that putting anuraj mid won't do you any favours at all towards winning a game, it would be horrible to experience since he's hardly played it and doesn't know what to do, I know mid is a role thats taken quickly by a lot of players but its the same for pretty much any role.

Does this mean that a 5 stack that are all on heroes they play the best might be a harder game? Sure but you are gonna have to beat players at the same mmr as you to get better, communication or no communication. Maybe it'll feel a bit more satisfying when you have a tough game that you win and see they are a 5 stack? But the players at higher mmr are gonna be way harder than the ones at your level with communication, a lot of five stacks don't even use voice comms.
Yes exactly. The game is 5v5 teams, you should either be queuing as a 5, or all solo to keep it fair. If you just want to play with 1 other mate you should just have to play normal matches. Would keep the ranked games a lot fairer.

This is a horrible idea. This is a really horrible idea.
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