*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Yeah you need to be level 13 before you can calibrate. Your calibration does get based off your unranked MMR though.

Just had a horrible game against an all pick 5-stack using a deathball strat... might have to go captains mode in 5-stack matches from now on.
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Well, only got around to playing 1 game tonight.
Went 13/9/9 on Sniper. A few silly deaths in there, but a few were pretty fast hits from cloaked enemies pouncing.
They had at least 10 more kills than us, but we won. In no small part thanks to our BroodMother who seemed to solo the 3 bottom Dire towers and one of the ones around the Ancient. All this while we were team-fighting/dieing in the middle lane.
Whaat was close about it was that the BroodMother got a little annoyed at our lack of a push (we were pushing, but really slowly) and said they had to leave as it was taking too long (this was about 39 minutes in). They then left.
So we had 5 minutes to take out the remaining tower and the ancient while a man down. We took it down fine, it was doing it in 5 minutes that was a little awkward as we weren't really communicating well. Did it with seconds to spare though.
My understanding is that once the 5 mionutes are up the player is classed as abandoning and the game doesn't count?
The game still counts if someone abandons. Unless they do it before first blood.

always nice to know. still learning the ropes coming from LoL, but atm the people im teamed up with all think they need to fight at every chance they get. bloody annoying:confused::rolleyes::o
Yeah its not a good idea to fight constantly unless you are really far ahead and winning every fight comfortably. Its good to just farm and get items a lot of the time.
Certain heroes are built for getting stuck in early (if supported right) like Bristle/axe/Abadon but in general you are best to avoid early unless it's easy kill. Early feeding will kill you most games, especially in a pub.
Ah, good to know.
Maybe I'm thinking of dotabuff? Do they still count on there after an abandon? I didn't think they counted (although they do show up).

It's the same as ingame, if it happens before first blood/10 minutes (I think) they show up as no stats recorded and greyed out. But as far as I know they still count for your winrate and games played.

If someone abandons after that it counts as a normal game in your stats :)
Quick question.

On your dota profile it shows your 3 most successful heroes. Mine shows my 3 most played (sniper, viper, Lycan) but my most successful (Drow, Lycan and Shaker) aren't displayed. Any idea why this might be? Are there so many games you have to play to be shown or am I missing something?
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