*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

If they banned Lycan then Razor or Jakiro gets through and they first pick it. Two heroes who they are even better with.
If they banned Lycan then Razor or Jakiro gets through and they first pick it. Two heroes who they are even better with.

there is that, but maybe they'd be worse on Jakiro in team fights or at least he'd be easier to take down.

They lost every game when 'RTZ' got Lycan didn't they? Must've been worth a shot at banning him and changing things up?
Just broke 2.5k at last, stopped jumping heroes and playing exclusively Lina with a bit of WD chucked in. Won 12 of the last 15 (10 of 12 as Lina) and find it's helping sticking to a few heroes.

Helps I'm only playing one game a day too as I still tend to get too annoyed :p
Did you watch the games where they played Jakiro? He absolutely demolished in teamfights, pick offs and pushing early on.

Arteezy has other heroes he can go to if they ban out the Lycan.
Errr whats the point in that video? It just seems like a bunch of pretty **** kills put together.

Wasnt suppose to be epic kills there all early game kills.

If youve seen the normal carryshaker kills you would get the explosions. I am sure you have seen someone with daed/shadow/blink rolling and trolling and one shotting people in a game once or twice.

Its fun.

Why are you always such a miserable git :D
Yes I've seen carry/mid ES and played it but I still don't get the point of the video.

I'm miserable because I think your videos are pretty pointless? Okay then :p
Only possible reason I can see why they wouldn't ban Lycan is they must have thought they could draft against it although I agree there is no way they could leave Jakiro to be selected, that hero was sooo strong for them.

I think they could have handled a razor easier than Lycan. Good matches all round, got to give credit to C9 for 3rd place finish with a standin.
The way secret plays though is sort of 4 protect 1 and just create space for Kuroky. Razor is basically an anti-carry and is very strong against their playstyle. I don't think it would have hurt to try it out one game though.
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Someone tell me whats wrong with our team pick :D.
Dazzle quit and then so did undying :(.
No way we was going to win late game with this lineup.

The best part was that they all picked in last few seconds and were even talking about there picks and none of them took a carry :(. Either way I trucked on in hope :P because ya know sometimes you win these kind of troll games.
In the beginning I was stomping towards the mid end our team was inevitably getting owned by them when they were killed 1 by 1 by clinks or in bad team fights.

:( I have really been practising my tinker to try and get relatively respectful with him I just want to win 1 game :( .
Sometimes drafts are just terrible and if the skill level is even then you are simply out drafted.

If you were solo queuing then it's going to be next to impossible to co-ordinate the team. If they would listen I would maybe have dazzle go a semi carry build, same with undying and have rubik hard supporting. Techies can help push with land mines. Probably try and get necro book on everyone too for the pushing power and a deso on dazzle to soften the towers up.

It's always going to be tough though because clinkz just wrecks squishy heroes and void only needs like two items to own you in chrono.
Sometimes drafts are just terrible and if the skill level is even then you are simply out drafted.

If you were solo queuing then it's going to be next to impossible to co-ordinate the team. If they would listen I would maybe have dazzle go a semi carry build, same with undying and have rubik hard supporting. Techies can help push with land mines. Probably try and get necro book on everyone too for the pushing power and a deso on dazzle to soften the towers up.

It's always going to be tough though because clinkz just wrecks squishy heroes and void only needs like two items to own you in chrono.

Yeah I agree with you definitely!
It was going to be a tough game with those picks from the start I knew but had to try.

Clinks spent most of the game farming to get all his items as most of his deaths come from him walking past my tower in mid early game and getting instant laser/rocket/dagon due to sentries lol.
In the end though :P a good rage abandon packed it in for all of us.


I have been placed with some amazing people in solo que aswell some some horrific people!
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I should stop playing solo pub :(.

Sniper was 1/5 all way through mid game, we had them pushed to there nexus but because we had no initiator and they could easily initiate a teamfight on us we couldnt push unless we had five but ofcourse :P riki would always be in the jungle.

Its one of those typical games that went on too long all there lanes were pushed so they could free farm inside there base and get dat gold yo and turn it around on us.

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