*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Not to mention...as a Ogre...how could you possibly steal farm from a Luna???

I have no idea how they could change it but Solo MMR does seem very unfair. It isn't impossible to rise but it does require you to pick op chara's (Jugg, Troll, etc) If you go for a support it is 50/50 whether your team will be any good and you will be penalised for their mistakes. Conversley when you do go a good character and have a very good game despite a lack of support, then it seems silly that your team should benefit.

This game got me 3 low priority matches lol. Fair enough I must have been reported before this as well but I know this was the final blow as I got reported within 5 minutes lol.

I was watching BDN stream the other day where he accidentally showed his Skype and a convo with Icefrog where he was saying the report systems got to change because pros are getting reported and then have to complete the crappy all pick games. I like the overwatch system of CS:GO myself. I think that would work well in dota. But even CS:GO has another crappy report system where if you don't do well you can get locked out of matchmaking for upto 7 days. I know I'm bad at CS:GO I'm silver ffs...

How did you get into low priority if you don't mind my asking?

Looks like you stomped them.
Not to mention...as a Ogre...how could you possibly steal farm from a Luna???

I have no idea how they could change it but Solo MMR does seem very unfair. It isn't impossible to rise but it does require you to pick op chara's (Jugg, Troll, etc) If you go for a support it is 50/50 whether your team will be any good and you will be penalised for their mistakes. Conversley when you do go a good character and have a very good game despite a lack of support, then it seems silly that your team should benefit.

Only watched the first 8 minutes so far Shami, only comments I would make on your own performance was that the tri-lane you had bot lane was far too passive. You consistently got the double pull to the medium camp which was nice but I didn't see any attempt at putting serious pressure on the WR/Nyx in the offlane. With your stun/slow and abbadons shield, plus Luna's passive allowing everyone to hit harder. I don't know why you guys were not trying to make things happen.

Unfortunately pudge was terrible, he was died 3 times in those 8 minutes but was very, very lucky to suicide each time. Otherwise Slark would have been an even bigger threat. Againt there was no move to rotate onto mid or the offlane to try and get a kill with your stun.

On about the 8 mins slark then roams to your safelane and creates havoc, can already see the game snowballing out of control. Void has his midas on 6 mins 30, with no-one contesting him. Tough game mate.
Speaking about Aggs on Luna, I've only ever purchased it twice. My first game ever playing Luna ( I wouldn't count that as I was a complete spastic back then)

But my last game I bought Aggs, worth noting I felt incredibly squishy. The team was dying to fast, mostly due to bad positioning, getting caught into a ES/WD Combo. Didn't help that we were on US East either, ping was 130 but it felt like playing through mud. Anyway, I wanted to survive for longer but felt finishing the satantic would be the wrong decision. Going more dmg is what I would usually do but like I said I was dying too fast. Butterfly didn't feel right here so I went aggs for a bit of everything.

Would like to hear other peoples opinions though.

Dat Luna Aggs game
Only watched the first 8 minutes so far Shami, only comments I would make on your own performance was that the tri-lane you had bot lane was far too passive. You consistently got the double pull to the medium camp which was nice but I didn't see any attempt at putting serious pressure on the WR/Nyx in the offlane. With your stun/slow and abbadons shield, plus Luna's passive allowing everyone to hit harder. I don't know why you guys were not trying to make things happen.

Unfortunately pudge was terrible, he was died 3 times in those 8 minutes but was very, very lucky to suicide each time. Otherwise Slark would have been an even bigger threat. Againt there was no move to rotate onto mid or the offlane to try and get a kill with your stun.

On about the 8 mins slark then roams to your safelane and creates havoc, can already see the game snowballing out of control. Void has his midas on 6 mins 30, with no-one contesting him. Tough game mate.

Tough lane to get a kill on really, they have 2 stuns and carapace+windrun. They'd have to misplay pretty badly to die.

Didn't rotate because frankly there is no point doing it solo. if Pudge can't kill the Slark I sure as hell can't. Reduction to ogre stun range means he can leap away every time before I get in range unless he seriously misplays. Same with Void, not a lot of chance of a success there.

Regarding Luna Aghs, the reason I think it's **** is because it's pretty rare you need more magic damage in a game. Supports usually bring plenty of that. Sure it can get you a few early kills but once they pick up BKB it's a very expensive, very useless item. If you want added survival it's far better to just finish the Satanic or get a Manta imo.
Probably should have finished the satanic, I already had manta/bkb. If you thought there was no chance of a kill I don't see the point of the tri-lane, not like you and abaddon did anything to try and zone them out to secure farm on luna. Instead void had a wonderful time in his safe lane.
And where else would we have gone? It's not really possible to zone 2 people out with 2 melee supports, especially those two. and neither of us could have really done a lot top solo. Qop should have been pretty alright solo.
Yeah I did we had no stuns really and I knew I'd get aghs at some point, no other support can match that. Luna still had basically freefarm but she bought **** items, nothing I can do about that. She even levelled glaives in lane so pushed the lane. Also remember you said we could get kills with Luna's aura? She didn't skill it until ten...
Yeah I did we had no stuns really and I knew I'd get aghs at some point, no other support can match that. Luna still had basically freefarm but she bought **** items, nothing I can do about that. She even levelled glaives in lane so pushed the lane. Also remember you said we could get kills with Luna's aura? She didn't skill it until ten...

Uruhhh brutal :(
Well in some ways when someone leaves you have a slight advantage. Yes you lose the damage/ disruption/ support of one player but if he rage quit he probably wasn't having a good game and was likely feeding (not necessarily intentionally). So when he leaves the enemy team has the advantage in player numbers but not necessarily skill, plus they have now lost the easy meat that was feeding them up. Also of note is that your own team gets to sell the leavers kit for a chunk of gold plus you get his standard gold income as well (not a lot but for a struggling support it might make a huge difference.). I often find (assuming we are not to far in a hole) that 4 man teams have a very good chance of winning assuming the right heroes remain.

The above is a very convoluted way of saying i tend to find the 4v5 matchs good fun but not because i feel a sense of achievment if i win, but becuase the gold bonus and loss of the dead weight often seems to even out the teams a bit allowing for a more balanced game.
Yeah, I've noticed that losing a player isn't always a disadvantage, but we lost our first at lvl3 after 1 death. A little premature to judge if he was dead weight.
I think we were still doing bad early on as it was 4 vs 5 during laning. It wasn't until we lost our second support that we managed to turn things around. Even then it took time as they were holding levels with us fairly well as they were wining. Eventually we pulled it back and it was fun.

But I've also been on the recieving end of teams that have gone down to 2 or 3 people and gone on to win!
Then our team start to leave but we can't come back as it's too late and we're too far behind, levels-wise.

People leaving doesn't always turn things around though, sometimes you're just getting stomped too much.
Lost a game yesterday we were comfortably winning because the Axe on our team dropped out for 20 minutes, he was our only initiator and without him we couldn't get in decent teamfights.

He did come back, but by then the other team with it's 4 core lineup was just too strong.

I swear at the 3.5k MMR level you should just all pick carries, even when I tell my team we need to push and finish it early as late we can't win, nobody ever seems to listen.
It is often the case that teams get so intent on killing the other team they just don't push. You team fight and wipe the enemy team and everyone runs back to base or to farm some more......it is very frustrating when 50 mins comes around and their faceless is fully online and wipes you and you get to watch them 5 man push right after...
Yeah the amount of pubs I have lost through people not finishing/pushing when they have a huge advantage is massively frustrating. I can only assume it is down to people not understanding how other heroes work. I had a game I was Axe, we had CM, Ruptor, Sniper and Omni. This was against Faceless, Ember, Voker, LS and SS. We had the game won, we were murdering them and stalking them across the map, we had all the t1+t2 and most of the t3's were heavily damaged and they didn't have a single tower, then our team starts messing about in jungle thinking they are hardcore and trying to solo kill them and we fed them to a point they snowballed and in one push took t1,2,3,4 and ancient for the win :(:mad::p

I may have swore a little at my team mates.
How did you get into low priority if you don't mind my asking?

Looks like you stomped them.

I think it was right at the start of the match. I was probably focusing on farming so I might have left a lane completely or hijacked someone else's lane if they were ****. I think I just focus on farm now and less deaths. I won't take risks any more as I can't trust my team to follow up. So if I afk jungle for 15 mins then so be it.

I also probably muted everyone in my team haha
How you boys been? I have not been in this thread in a while xD.

Had the strangest game earlier :P, the guys I was playing with were unfortunately not that experianced in Dota 2 so cant blame them too much. We had some good chances to win but it wasnt enough hehe.

Was just an all random game, I got put against sven/ember and got firstblood/double kill after that it was a snowball but I couldn't carry hard enough.

Was a fun game though!!

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