*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Had a good first game of the night today ^_^, felt like a bit of all random, Earthshaker afk xD.
Had a really good game last night. Went on for over an hour, back and forth lead changes (mainly down to our suicidal pudge and Centuar) but we won at the end when they went 3 rapier push on Dusa, BH and ember we got wiped but we killed 4 of them and whilst the Dusa pushed our base creeps won it for us :)
Me and huggie are looking for 3 more people to join with team ranked games that we normally do every night around 3kmmr team with diffrent roles if anyones interested?

Its only for fun nothing competitive or too serious but need good comms and teamwork
Another good game last night, went on for an hour 15. Sniper, Wyvern, Wind, Riki, Pudge we were against Axe, Brood, Lina, Phoenix and Zeus.

Their brood had a great early and we were getting mauled had lost all t1&2 were down about 15 kills them we turtled. Their brood went maximum retard and went 1/10 the remainder and the rest of their team had zero patience and were pushing up hill into our t3.

We were wiping them and getting a tower a time, had one big push and got their t2&3 mid with racks still with our t3 but still they pushed. Luckily we all saved BB and they went for the win with aegis push but we all had BB, team wiped with 3 men left (all having used BB :p) and won up mid.

Great game and really tense.
DOTA 2 is pretty much all I play these days. Looking for some good, consistent players to team up with.

Steam name is: sherlock0486

Add me please :)
Anyone have any tips for getting though 2.2k mmr?

Constantly get grouped with scrubs who complain and just get really sore at losing, feeding, giving up etc.

I'm currently trying to just stroll through support picks and making sure I ward/teamfight/protect carry. but it's not really doing me any favors.

I'm really struggling to realise how people consider MMR level to be how good one player is. As in my eyes, it's a very coarse way of measuring someones skill.
Just find a carry you are very good with and try to win it yourself. I was stuck oscillating between 2.1-2.4k for about 6 months trying to help the team. In te end I took 2 heroes troll warlord (great carry) and Axe (when played well can win games early for the team) and I went up the MMR really fast. I'm around 2.7k now I go a bit lower and a bit higher but to get past lower mmr's (yes I know 2.7 is still low) just try to win it yourself. Not always possible in some matches but if you get good enough it becomes a more often than not occurrence.
Jugg isn't too bad now. He could still do with some slight tweaks but the nerf to his ulti range was good. I still think killing the healing ward should give gold (like it does with almost everything else summonable) Jugg at least has mana issues, Troll just farms insanely quickly and never has to go back to base really.
Jugg isn't too bad now. He could still do with some slight tweaks but the nerf to his ulti range was good. I still think killing the healing ward should give gold (like it does with almost everything else summonable) Jugg at least has mana issues, Troll just farms insanely quickly and never has to go back to base really.

Yeah Troll is brutal, very versatile as well you can jungle, mid, lane or solo with him and be viable pretty much anywhere. He's weak (well relatively speaking) until he picks up BKB or if a muppet plays without BKB but when he gets BKB :eek: he has melted half the team before you can respond most times.
Absolute Joke.

Just had a tiny game where he had freefarm the whole game, ends up with blink and manta style at 40m.

This game is an absolute farce sometimes.
If anyone is looking for games give me a shout on steam. Close to a 5 stack with my other dota bros so would be good to get it going on a regular basis.

Steam ID is WilboFraggins.
I had the best and worst that Dota can offer last night.

The worst a game with a Necro who fed 8 death in 8mins the ragequit. He was backed up by a spectre who couldn't ult and had no idea how to play who went about 5/15 and was depressingly bad.

The best a great game where we were hugely under the cosh most match, with them having Riki/Ursa/Rana/Undying but then we started team fighting with it axe leading and always going 5 man and we came back strongly with a team wipe mid push to win in just over an hour. Got 3 leadership commends for my efforts of bossing everyone around and forcing them to turtle :p
I had the best and worst that Dota can offer last night.

The worst a game with a Necro who fed 8 death in 8mins the ragequit. He was backed up by a spectre who couldn't ult and had no idea how to play who went about 5/15 and was depressingly bad.

The best a great game where we were hugely under the cosh most match, with them having Riki/Ursa/Rana/Undying but then we started team fighting with it axe leading and always going 5 man and we came back strongly with a team wipe mid push to win in just over an hour. Got 3 leadership commends for my efforts of bossing everyone around and forcing them to turtle :p

That is dota in a nutshell - dizzying highs and terrifying lows.
I have just partook in the nadir of dota ******* retardation.

So you are playing against a team with techies, a team who will not ever set foot across mid. All they do is sit back, bait and gank on mines and then use Slardar/SB/WD stuns to win fights.

So do you
A) play them at their own game, sit back and farm having a troll and LS and then wait for them to push (the 3-4 times they did lose patience they were team wiped)
B) walk up the map every.single.*******.time like a retarded 5 year old expecting that miraculously it will be 30th time lucky and perhaps this time they won't run the same gank as every.other.*******.time.

My team chose B. :rolleyes:

I tried to help, I was telling them to sit back and def, I tried rescuing team fights all to no avail. Every single time they walked into their map, got wiped and they took 1-2 towers and won.

Yet my team were convinced they were doing nothing wrong. HOLY ******* **** OF COURSE YOU ARE!!!!!!!

If you can't tell, I'm having a nerd rage meltdown of epic proportions right now. I simply cannot believe people can be so bad at this game.

Goffoffrgdesawdbj24;74gdrd//26!£!!!!!!!! :mad:
Sunday is always the absolute worst day for DotA. I had a guy last pick Ursa and insist on jungling. Our Bristle wanted to solo offlane and we had a Pudge mid resulting in a safe lane of Shadow Shaman and Lich with me playing the latter as carry.

We lost.
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Decided to avoid ranked for the sake of my sanity and just do the all hero challenge to chill for a while.

Had a good win as lone druid, then another as Lycan and an amazing win as Lesh. Think it's the first time I have played the hero (unless I had it in an all random wayback) and he was unreal, I went 17/8/29 and just mauled in teamfights. He was effective early but when you get bloodstone and BKB you can just walk into fights and melt whole teams pretty damn fast. Might have to play him more often :)
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