There's a key difference between this one and TOTY Messi, in that any player could have got Messi even div10 players etc due to it being an SBC. To get these PSG reds, you'd have to be a player that's good enough to get 11 wins (or 9 wins for 1 of them) in WL and dedicated enough to play all games on Friday night.
What these means is that the red PSGs are in the hands of hardcore players of at least reasonable skill that probably know how to use them, unlike Messi. You might never face some of the people with Messi in WL but there's a fair chance of meeting these guys.
I read about it on Friday night but I didn't want to stay up all night playing, if I'd not been grinding squad battles and started WL instead I might have stood a chance but even then I'm not sure I'd have got it done by 02:30 plus would've been shattered the next day, it's just a game afterall. That would've been the worst, staying up late but finishing WL 15mins too late or something so getting no benefit from it.