so bought this drunk on friday night, was installed over night (whilst passed out

) and I've given it a bash sat and sunday evening.
pretty good so far

level 11, which I think is alright for about 9-10 hours play I think, quite a bit of time afk too just making dinner and watching youtube lol.
a few things though lag/stutter/delay. oh god this isn't always present but it is such a ******* *****!!!
doing a boss fight and they put an aoe on the ground, I run out of said aoe by a good few metres.... it pops but yet still took over half my HP off... FFS! what's the point of showing a range if it's gunna hit me regardless...
then just mid battle everything can just stop for a few secs and then things catch up and the boss seems to have stacked up it's attacks to dump when the lag stops... great!
running out and about in the world and it does look pretty damn sexy and getting smooth fps... mostly! but some times for unseen reasons it can just chug right down and get stuttery as ****
continuing on with the visuals, I know there are UI mods like in wow for this game but are there visual mods like there were for skyrim? as I said... this game is nice but still a bit rough around the edges.
sweet FX possible on this? as their AA does wonders for BF4 so imagine it would help clean the image here too as it suffers the same jaggies and blurring
am I right in assuming I can reset all my stats/skill points somewhere so I can fiddle about with builds? (already seen a nice sorcerer one

...but i spent some points wrongly xD )
story missions.... do these only come up now and then? or should there always be a story quest? like i dind't have one, then at level 10 I found one in the town (by chance I went back there and the marker was up) but I've done that now and no more story quest, just usual area ones. not missing anything am I or they just pop up when you're the right level in the right town?