*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

So what type of build is everyone else going for and how are they finding it?

I'm currently playing a pyromancer build and can struggle taking on a few mobs the same level at level 12 but I've seen from some YouTube videos it gets much easier at later levels.

It will help when I can reset my skills too, I put some in 2h and stamina that I want to remove.

I'm currently focusing on building a DK tank for PvE content and have spent most of my skill points on on armour/one hand + shield/defensive abilities. When I hit 15 I hope to have a 2h PvP spec for cyrodil or possibly a bow+2h when I have more skill points.
Bah work calls.. had me a nice fight first though..

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I've joined a pvp guild and everything is smooth and lag free in Cyrodill, but no matter if there are 4 of us or 24 of us when we all go stealth to move around everyone starts chopping everywhere like there's a major latency problem?! We all stand up and run as normal and everything is good again! Is this a known bug?
I've joined a pvp guild and everything is smooth and lag free in Cyrodill, but no matter if there are 4 of us or 24 of us when we all go stealth to move around everyone starts chopping everywhere like there's a major latency problem?! We all stand up and run as normal and everything is good again! Is this a known bug?

I've experienced it a few times in some people when they are in stealth.
TFU are in full flow on this, around 11 players or more.

My character name is Kathryine Stridar, and she's a Templar.

I did try out the Dragonknight, but found the skills boring.
TFU are in full flow on this, around 11 players or more.

My character name is Kathryine Stridar, and she's a Templar.

I did try out the Dragonknight, but found the skills boring.

You need to post your username with @ before it.

Also if you want i can list the guild website on the front page?
So what type of build is everyone else going for and how are they finding it?

I'm currently playing a pyromancer build and can struggle taking on a few mobs the same level at level 12 but I've seen from some YouTube videos it gets much easier at later levels.

It will help when I can reset my skills too, I put some in 2h and stamina that I want to remove.

My main is a altmer,sorcerer,resto staff and my 2nd weapon will be destro staff(electric) im making it into a dark lord style of character from a build i found here:


so just heading towards this build,with my skills and such,seems a pretty decent build dont die much and am fairly powerful.

my second build is a kajit nightblade,bow as primary then dual wield when i hit level 15 going from this build:

Is Griffon Knight guild recruting at all?

I use to be with you guys during old DAoC days, and would be nice to chat to/run around with familiar faces etc

You may recognise my usual DAoC name of Mauness, or anything with Maun in it really ;)

My Sky fibre is down for the 3rd time in as many months. Was trying to do Banished Cells yesterday but connection was dropping every 20 mins.
The first Boss seems to be bugged though.

At least it ddint happen whilst i was off work to play last wed-friday.

Hope its back on when i get home. Im missing all that inventory management! lol
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Is it me or is the standard of Pugs a lot better than I'm use to? I have had so many good ones that I actually have now done a few with the same people as we worked really well together :P

Anyway dinged level 30 last night but I'm going on holiday this week so won't be able to ding 40/50 :p
so bought this drunk on friday night, was installed over night (whilst passed out :p ) and I've given it a bash sat and sunday evening.

pretty good so far :D level 11, which I think is alright for about 9-10 hours play I think, quite a bit of time afk too just making dinner and watching youtube lol.

a few things though lag/stutter/delay. oh god this isn't always present but it is such a ******* *****!!! :mad:

doing a boss fight and they put an aoe on the ground, I run out of said aoe by a good few metres.... it pops but yet still took over half my HP off... FFS! what's the point of showing a range if it's gunna hit me regardless...

then just mid battle everything can just stop for a few secs and then things catch up and the boss seems to have stacked up it's attacks to dump when the lag stops... great!

running out and about in the world and it does look pretty damn sexy and getting smooth fps... mostly! but some times for unseen reasons it can just chug right down and get stuttery as **** :(

continuing on with the visuals, I know there are UI mods like in wow for this game but are there visual mods like there were for skyrim? as I said... this game is nice but still a bit rough around the edges.

sweet FX possible on this? as their AA does wonders for BF4 so imagine it would help clean the image here too as it suffers the same jaggies and blurring :p

am I right in assuming I can reset all my stats/skill points somewhere so I can fiddle about with builds? (already seen a nice sorcerer one ;)...but i spent some points wrongly xD )

story missions.... do these only come up now and then? or should there always be a story quest? like i dind't have one, then at level 10 I found one in the town (by chance I went back there and the marker was up) but I've done that now and no more story quest, just usual area ones. not missing anything am I or they just pop up when you're the right level in the right town? :p
Is it just me or is it easy to die? animations seem to always lag aswell so I miss a block or roll which can get annoying & sometimes my sword play lags also, ill try a heavy attack and takes my character a while to recover. Struggling to like this game at the moment just seems like another GW2 with slower and more boring combat.
Is it just me or is it easy to die? animations seem to always lag aswell so I miss a block or roll which can get annoying & sometimes my sword play lags also, ill try a heavy attack and takes my character a while to recover. Struggling to like this game at the moment just seems like another GW2 with slower and more boring combat.

ay this is what I meant in my post regarding combat lag, like I'll use an instant cast ability... but it won't pop for say 2 seconds... during in which time the enemy (and yea they have done this) have done like a dodging vault over me to behind me... so then my ability doesn't cast as target is then behind me and I get hit. very frustrating especially on bigger mobs where they can also have lunge attacks :(

I like how it's not as dumb as wow with you needing to aim at things you want to hit..... BUT....lag cripples this....not to mention i've have cast over time spells just stop when there were about to cast because of stupid what ever reasons, like one was there was a bit of a brow of a hill which hardly blocked my view but my cursor highlighted the ground and ....nothing.... stopped casting while I'm still in sight and moving towards the guy :( that and I wasn't able to cast at things unless I have LOS....but if I try to hide behind a tree, tent, BUILDING.... the ranged attackers can still damage me.... ******* cheats :( :mad:
Re the above I was having issues with 'Unknown error' and lag and it turned out despite my wireless working flawlessly in everything else, ESO is particularly picky.

Checked my wireless connection to see if it was dropping packets using the following in cmd prompt: -n 100 -l 1024

That command sends packets of 1mb to the router 100 times and the results showed 2% were dropping and for whatever reason ESO wasn't liking it. Decided to throw some money at the problem and bought some decent powerlines to get ethernet to my PC (on the other side of the house to the router) and hey presto no more ridiculous lag and unknown error disconnects every 10 minutes.

Obviously not an issue for those connected by cable but definitely worth noting for those on Wifi.
Re the above I was having issues with 'Unknown error' and lag and it turned out despite my wireless working flawlessly in everything else, ESO is particularly picky.

Checked my wireless connection to see if it was dropping packets using the following in cmd prompt: -n 100 -l 1024

That command sends packets of 1mb to the router 100 times and the results showed 2% were dropping and for whatever reason ESO wasn't liking it. Decided to throw some money at the problem and bought some decent powerlines to get ethernet to my PC (on the other side of the house to the router) and hey presto no more ridiculous lag and unknown error disconnects every 10 minutes.

Obviously not an issue for those connected by cable but definitely worth noting for those on Wifi.

Good advice. I used to have a horrible time with wireless. Powerline plugs solved the issues I was having. Don't forget the megaserver will be moved from NA to EU soon too - which should help..
Nearly veteran rank 2 and without a shadow of a doubt this is a incredible MMO. Yeah it has bugs, lag and more. But as the devs seem pretty active at fixing them, I have faith in them.

I just can't find anything I don't like. At first some features seem strange, like the guild store. But once you get used to them and see the purpose to encourage bartering and community, you realize that it wasnt a problem.

I find my self just wondering around and getting lost in the atmosphere. Listening to the 20 members of the main guild online, most of them are just blown away.

Just can't stop thinking about getting back in.
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