Just played WC2010 with Rep Ireland. I used the same method as I do all the time. Won all my games by 3 goals or more and won the World cup!!
I had already won the first 2 games qualifying, so just need to win the other 5.. I did it easily.
England Final.. 3-0 disconnect lamer!!!
I am not a great player, far from it. I very rarely use skill moves and I have yet to master a few of them. The ones I do use are the ones I find are effective. I use my own formation (yeah some consider lame but it works for me). The tactics in the game are complete rubbish and do not help at all, so are default for all teams.
I have my Defence: high defence low attack
I have my Attack: high attack low defence
I have a defensive midfielders and attacking midfielders
But I will repeat to my fellow OcUKer players, DO NOT SPRINT WITH THE BALL. There are times when its necessary to beat the last man, but if you just take a touch allow space you will find your game improves tenfold.
Again, take a touch allow your teammates to run into space, try to have more than one ball to play at anytime by finding space when passing. Use the wings, master finesse shooting, and you pretty much have everything you need to win games more consistently.
Or you can keep listening to this crap about low morale and throw your controller at the wall because the guys you play against know these little tricks and will lower YOUR morale, not that of your players!!!
first of all nobody plays the world cup mode only noobs are still playing that
people play in online modes 1v1 ranked it's a league
I have dropped down to division 5 now after many games that I have dominated and lost because of the cpu running defenders out etc