*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

So are people slowly coming round to the idea that it is morale that is happening online, but it's just very broken and happens at random points in an online 1v1 game?


Too many good players go on long winning streaks, have massively high winning ratio's and can win no matter what the morale of their players.

Its all in the mind of the player that fails to win games consistently.

If you time your skill moves correctly, if you master side step finesse shooting, and when to power shoot and lob, you will be more consistent.

If you learn not to sprint with the ball at every given opportunity and play for space and possesion, you will create many more chances and score more goals.

If you stop telling yourself you are losing because "the computer says no" you will improve and become a better player.

If I'm wrong, then ok... but I will remain adamant that I win and lose games because of the way that I play, not because the games is scripted to allow the other guy to beat me...
Interesting to hear other peoples findings with this game.

I obviously just suck at this game online, and the fact that my defence can part like the red sea and let people through clean on goal is my own fundemental problem and I need to work out which button presses stop this from happening.

I will give it another bash in Fifa 11, and if the same BS happens it's going the same way as Fifa 10.
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If you lose, it's because you did something wrong, not because your players were having an off day. You have the controller, you are controlling them.

Am I wrong? If I lose, I blame myself.
If you lose, it's because you did something wrong, not because your players were having an off day. You have the controller, you are controlling them.

Am I wrong? If I lose, I blame myself.

I do too, most of the time.

But think of it this way, if you play in a certain way, doing certain things with certain players because they are better at it than other players. They pass, shoot and move differently.

If the players your game rely upon have low 'morale' your entire game goes down the pan with it, subbing them isn't much of an option unless you have a strong bench (most good teams do though to be fair, yes).

It certainly stacks the odds against you some of the time, and it can be a bit frustrating to say the least.

As for it making the game more realistic, that is a dangerous game to play by EA when it comes to competitive online games, people dont like losing, especially due to daft game mechanics.
In the past 200 games I've only played against Real, Chelsea, Barca or Inter.

The few occasions I've tried choosing a lower star team, the other person just leaves.

My last 10 games have been against :

Real Madrid
Man utd
Bayern Munich

Obviously there's a few 5* teams, but a few lower rated sides as well. I have my default team as 3* side - I think that makes a big difference. i always wait for the other person to choose first, but if they see my 3* a decent percentage choose a similar rated side.
Just played WC2010 with Rep Ireland. I used the same method as I do all the time. Won all my games by 3 goals or more and won the World cup!!

I had already won the first 2 games qualifying, so just need to win the other 5.. I did it easily.


England Final.. 3-0 disconnect lamer!!!

I am not a great player, far from it. I very rarely use skill moves and I have yet to master a few of them. The ones I do use are the ones I find are effective. I use my own formation (yeah some consider lame but it works for me). The tactics in the game are complete rubbish and do not help at all, so are default for all teams.

I have my Defence: high defence low attack
I have my Attack: high attack low defence
I have a defensive midfielders and attacking midfielders

But I will repeat to my fellow OcUKer players, DO NOT SPRINT WITH THE BALL. There are times when its necessary to beat the last man, but if you just take a touch allow space you will find your game improves tenfold.

Again, take a touch allow your teammates to run into space, try to have more than one ball to play at anytime by finding space when passing. Use the wings, master finesse shooting, and you pretty much have everything you need to win games more consistently.

Or you can keep listening to this crap about low morale and throw your controller at the wall because the guys you play against know these little tricks and will lower YOUR morale, not that of your players!!!

Too many good players go on long winning streaks, have massively high winning ratio's and can win no matter what the morale of their players.

Its all in the mind of the player that fails to win games consistently.

If you time your skill moves correctly, if you master side step finesse shooting, and when to power shoot and lob, you will be more consistent.

If you learn not to sprint with the ball at every given opportunity and play for space and possesion, you will create many more chances and score more goals.

If you stop telling yourself you are losing because "the computer says no" you will improve and become a better player.

If I'm wrong, then ok... but I will remain adamant that I win and lose games because of the way that I play, not because the games is scripted to allow the other guy to beat me...

Great post by the way.

I don't believe there is any hidden morale\momentum\scripting etc in this game.

I have suffered similar things that some people on here are mentioning, but don't think it's some randomly generated attribute. In my opinion it is either :

1) Chemistry. This value was displayed in previous versions of Fifa and related to how well a team worked together. I understood this to be how well a team follows it's tactics, runs into space, makes forward runs etc. It is NOT random and is determined by things such as how many players are playing in their correct positions. I even suspect that it's affected by playing certain "problem" players that affect the balance of the whole team. It will not change from game to game though so once you've found the right balance then the team will always play that well.

2) Lag. I got matched against someone called AusFifaKing92 over the weekend and couldn't resist playing despite the 1 bar red connection. It was horrible - I couldn't do anything - pass\shoot\control the ball. It was so sluggish it felt like I was playing in treacle, but it was clearly because of how bad the connection was. The lag wasn't apparent when watching the game (i.e not stuttering or pauses), but when playing the lack of control was obvious.
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Well, you are wrong. There definitely IS some kind of morale system, its painfully obvious.

If there is, I don't think it's as influential as in previous Fifa games. In 09, I could tell you after 5 minutes of a game whether I was going to win or lose. In 10, I feel much mroe in control of my destiny.
Did you read my whole post or just the sentence you quoted?

Your post doesn't make sense in regards to this being somewhat an intermittent problem. People using the same lineups having a good game say 7/10 times and the other 3 times they are finding their players are much less effective, don't pass as sharply or accurately, don't shoot very well, aren't quick to the ball, etc. If it was down to team chemistry and they picked the same team 10 times then I can understand, but as this doesn't happen consistently on a game by game basis, it happens 1 in X amount of games using the same players.
I don't think it's morale, I think it's a handicap system.

I experimented with it not long after FIFA10 was released and would intentionally concede early as FIFA then seemed to side with the losing team. Any game where I went ahead early I felt as if everything then started to go against me.

Either way, neither should be in the game, and certainly shouldn't be online.
You're preaching to the converted Skippi, it's these 'super players' who are posting how it's all in our heads and we are looking for other things to blame because we lose.
I swear they are playing a different game to the one I played. In previous posts Sonny has even said how he doesn't play 1v1 online matches (I think he only plays Ultimate Team), yet he continues to say I am wrong.
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Your post doesn't make sense in regards to this being somewhat an intermittent problem. People using the same lineups having a good game say 7/10 times and the other 3 times they are finding their players are much less effective, don't pass as sharply or accurately, don't shoot very well, aren't quick to the ball, etc. If it was down to team chemistry and they picked the same team 10 times then I can understand, but as this doesn't happen consistently on a game by game basis, it happens 1 in X amount of games using the same players.

Ok, did you read the whole post or just the bit about Chemistry?

Lag is another factor and I usually avoid anything other than 3 bar green connections. Yet when I played a game at the weekend on 1 red bar I started to suffer problems like you mentioned. Do you always play in in 3 bar games?

One of my mates is a really good Fifa player - his record is that he's lost about 13 games out of the 160 he's played. His AOL is over 20, so it's not like picks and chooses his opponents. How is this possible given the effects if the morale bug?
Ok, did you read the whole post or just the bit about Chemistry?

Lag is another factor and I usually avoid anything other than 3 bar green connections. Yet when I played a game at the weekend on 1 red bar I started to suffer problems like you mentioned. Do you always play in in 3 bar games?

One of my mates is a really good Fifa player - his record is that he's lost about 13 games out of the 160 he's played. His AOL is over 20, so it's not like picks and chooses his opponents. How is this possible given the effects if the morale bug?
So first it was down to chemistry and now it's down to lag? I also pay absolutely no attention to the connection bar whatsoever. When it's red I've had great games and when it's green I've had **** poor ones.
Also, I posted about what I had found on the FIFA forums and was met by 12 year olds telling me that I was talking rubbish and I was just crap. :rolleyes:

If you can't see that there's balancing going on midgame, you ain't the most observent chimpanzee in the zoo. Same goes for Club games, and God knows I've played enough of those to know what I'm talking about. You can virtually pin-point when the game swings in your opponents favour.
Ok, did you read the whole post or just the bit about Chemistry?

Lag is another factor and I usually avoid anything other than 3 bar green connections. Yet when I played a game at the weekend on 1 red bar I started to suffer problems like you mentioned. Do you always play in in 3 bar games?

One of my mates is a really good Fifa player - his record is that he's lost about 13 games out of the 160 he's played. His AOL is over 20, so it's not like picks and chooses his opponents. How is this possible given the effects if the morale bug?

maybe he's always a top team and uses a broken game rubber band mechanic to score all his goals

Crazy stuff happens in wc2010 and it's mainly spain, like torres walking through 4 or 5 defenders like they aren't even there without using skill just the player holding forward and sprint

If you are smart you can tell as your players will pass and feel slow to turn so now i just test that and before the 5 min mark and just quit via menu that way the game doesnt register and you save yourself 12 minutes of dominating someone only to lose to some cpu aided goals
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