*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

I'm having serious energy problems. My players shouldnt be almost out of stamina and red sprint bar after 27 mins if I have done one run with them? I dnt hammer the sprint all the time. Annoying

Used fitness cards mate? Check your players fitness (into squad, the hit right stick left a fee times till it says FIT anda rating 1-99.) Wouldn't ever play a guy with fitness under 80 myself.
Used fitness cards mate? Check your players fitness (into squad, the hit right stick left a fee times till it says FIT anda rating 1-99.) Wouldn't ever play a guy with fitness under 80 myself.

No not used fitness cards,, but I have a ****load. Do they have a permanent effect or just 1 game?
No not used fitness cards,, but I have a ****load. Do they have a permanent effect or just 1 game?

They return player fitness to 99, if you aren;t TOO low, anyways, player ones do one player, squad ones do the whole squad (duh!) don't last forever, no, fitness still drops at normal rates..

It's only for backup really. Rarely do I use the same starting 11 two games in a row due to fit/mor so you need two awesome starting 11's now.

Only got 20k right now, need 25 for him

You have 990+ K trade profit and now only 20k? :eek: I start panicking and mass selling when I go under 140k!

Still stuck between keeping IF Hernanes or IF Pastore, Same shooting, better speed on Pastore, slightly better dribbling & apssing on Hernanes, grrr :(
You have 990+ K trade profit and now only 20k? :eek: I start panicking and mass selling when I go under 140k!

Still stuck between keeping IF Hernanes or IF Pastore, Same shooting, better speed on Pastore, slightly better dribbling & apssing on Hernanes, grrr :(

Spent a lot tonight! I'm not bothered if i have no coins, i like spending :D
I personally try to avoid subs, just to save on contracts. If they're a particularly important player in the side (like an ST when you're 1-0 down) I'll sub. If not, rotate them out before the next match.

(Advice provided by 15 y/o who is far better at the game than me)
How low should u let fitness get before subbing them?

I don't let it go below 80. It just affects their stamina bar in games, if they've got 50 fitness then when the game begins their bar will only be half full, that can easily run out in one half and you only get a small replenishment during half time so you can find players unable to sprint. I never understand why some people let their defenders and goalkeepers stamina run out, it's imperative that the back line is kept at full or close to full fitness at all times. Same for other positions that require a lot of running like LM and RM.
I would love IF Friedrich but I don't have enough coins for him outright. Maybe a player plus cash deal unless you've sold him already?

Sorry matey, he went last night, sold within about 20 mins :o

How low should u let fitness get before subbing them?

No lower than 80 imho, if you're playin the online cup, always top up before the final, as chance dictates you'll play a better player and may be pushing your guys harder.
I haven't played in aaaaaaaaaages. Any of you suckers wanna get some games on tonight?

Same as that weekend a while ago, I am on call all week, so might have to unexpectedly disappear :(
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