*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

You can rent me if you like, but you'd get bored of beating me by a stray goal eventually... ;)

A stray goal or rather three stray goals I think it was last time... :p

I'll play you tonight if you're about, what time did you have in mind? :)

If we get 4 people we can all play each other at the same time.
Just snagged IF Cambiasso for 210k, happy with that :) Made even nicer by the fact I sold IF Motta for 205k - VAT :)

Man, these numbers make me sad :(

I'm currently scouting for players under 21k to sell for profit, but not having a lotta luck. Only being allowed 5 'tokens' online is a kick in the nuts too
just got my first jumbo pack

what are these cards worth

99 adv training 4-2-2-2 manager
83 real madrid home kit
95 adv training 4-3-1-2 manager
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