*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

I've only questioned it now but why is there a CM Suarez? He's never played there?

That's why I just assumed he was a RF :D

Didn't realise that the IF card was a CM, seems a bit strange you'd think they'd put him at ST if they were going to change his position! Also, have you noticed if you pause the game and go to team management it doesn't seem to have actually changed what type of player the IF is? For example I have Castro IF who is an LM, his normal card is RB, when I go into team management he has a yellow strip next to his LM, but only defenders have the yellow strips, if he was a proper midfielder he'd have a green strip. :confused:
That's why I just assumed he was a RF :D

Didn't realise that the IF card was a CM, seems a bit strange you'd think they'd put him at ST if they were going to change his position! Also, have you noticed if you pause the game and go to team management it doesn't seem to have actually changed what type of player the IF is? For example I have Castro IF who is an LM, his normal card is RB, when I go into team management he has a yellow strip next to his LM, but only defenders have the yellow strips, if he was a proper midfielder he'd have a green strip. :confused:

The IF card is ST, but has probably been converted ST, CF< CAM, CM :)

Anyone want a good value Rooney? :)
How? Other than Maicon and Alves (who I'm now trying to sell) I had all the best players, I think

Is it me or do Brazil not have an amazing striker who is on a par with Rooney, Drogba etc? They have Luis Fabiano who I hated, they have Nilmar who can run fast and that's about it, they have Adriano who is fat and they have a few other budget players like Vagner Love and Wellinton.

The IF card is ST, but has probably been converted ST, CF< CAM, CM :)

That makes sense then. :p
Aghhhh I need to make coin! All the players I buy thinking I can make profit on I can't, I'm actually losing money. I've tried buying contracts, formation cards, spending ages scrolling to the 1 hour mark to get a bargain, no luck at all :@
Also, Kaka would obviously get into my team, but he's expensive.

I don't have Alex, but he wouldn't get into my squad tbh

edit: or Lucio, but I don't get on with him (not for how much he costs anyway!)
He really isn't, his "pace" rating is slow, but his acceleration is amazing, added that to his ball control, dribbling skills & agility and he can dance around everyone!

Have to disagree with you Timothy. Every time I come up against him Lahm keeps him in his back pocket. Just ask Roband!
I just play the standard online Kick Off Trophy, more chance of facing someone crappy in the 1st round for more coins and I'm usually out in the semis :p
Yea thats what I've been playing. Can anyone clarify this, I'm wasting loads of money on fitness cards. Say I have my first team, and a silver team, if I play a match on my silver team will my first team regen fitness?
Only if your first team are the subs/reserves on the silver team. Basically, you need team A wih team B as subs/reserves and vice versa = no loss of fitness as long as you go A - B - A - B etc..
Which online tourneys do you guys play for coinage?

If you're scoring at least 3 goals a game and you're good at keeping a clean sheet then I'd recommend playing single matches. If you beat your opponent by about 3 or 4 goals and you manage a clean sheet then you can get 700+ coins per match. I just got 900 coins in my last game, been playing it all morning and it's a good way to make some fast coins. :)
Fuuu. Basically I only have 1 team and I cant afford to have two of each position so fitness is getting raped and i have to buy cards, it's a viscous ****ing circle, what can i do?
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