*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

Literally just started this, have a mainly bronze squad of unknown's with the odd silver, What's the easiest way to progress? :)

Read the thread and see what the replies were when everyone else asked? ;) haha

Either buy MS points, or go slow and steady, winning games - earning coins - buying better players
Are you describing the defenders or the guy controlling them? :P

I'd be much more gentle with a Messi. Never gonna be able to afford him, but I will keep my Argy team waiting for when he arrives in a pack...

Both really :)

I'm sure you'd be very gentle with a Messi.. *caresses Messi* he's on for sale if you want him :D

Do you guys know if a CF will happily play at RF or LF? thanks

Should do, Ronaldo played ST happily for me, as did Messi while both having ingame ratings of 88+ :)
Alright fella. Need to give you another game or two.
Got myself a nice shiny team of Brazilians ;)

I'll be about later on I suspect, would've been this morning if I had seen earlier but need to do some tidying/organizing of bits & bobs now!

I think I've got errr, 5 teams?

4-3-3 EPL
4-4-1-1 Italians
4-2-2-2 Ligue 1
4-5-1 Bundesliga/German mix
4-1-2-1-2 Argie (mainly)/1 or 2 brazillians

Take your pick!

Note: They aren't all OMFGMEGAIFS! etc or anything, btw, so I'm not minted!
Both really :)

I'm sure you'd be very gentle with a Messi.. *caresses Messi* he's on for sale if you want him :D

you're kidding, right? ha.

Bucket, I might not be on tonight, might be spending the evening with the lady. Tempted to build a new side on the web app!
No, thats why I bought him, to sell him :)

Your last evening with the lady ended with you playing me, at about 10pm :p

Yeah, I can't remember why I left early that night. It was a Sunday I think, so I needed to get a decent night's kip ;)

Anyway, I can't afford to make you a profit on Messi, let alone break even!
Playing in the 4k tournie and went 5-0 down at halftime. Rallied the troops switched Arshavin and Nani. Won 6-5 :D
Dzeko is just incredible. Nani crossed its bounced off Pepe outside the box and in flys Dzeko and smashes a header from OUTSIDE the BOX!!!!
I love it!
Playing in the 4k tournie and went 5-0 down at halftime. Rallied the troops switched Arshavin and Nani. Won 6-5 :D
Dzeko is just incredible. Nani crossed its bounced off Pepe outside the box and in flys Dzeko and smashes a header from OUTSIDE the BOX!!!!
I love it!

Hope you uploaded that replay? Sounds pretty awesome :D
I should have Aguero by end of day. I didn't realise there was an 84 and 85 version of him. I've seen the 84's go for 7.9k in CF position (I want him in ST so would have to buy a pos card), and the 85 version going for 12kish in CF position. Is it worth saving a bit more and getting the 85 version? It has 1 more pace, 4 more shooting, and 1 more DRI.

Alternatively if hes not worth getting at all let me know?
Aguero is worth getting. Let me just check which version I have.

I have the 84 at ST. He's good. I may have to upgrade to the 85...
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