*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

Has anyone else got on properly with Tevez, and if so, what formation?

I've got one and I chuck him between my 4-1-2-1-2 and 4-3-3, and I just can't seem to be getting him firing.

I'm considering creating another new team for a 4-4-2 as well if I end up selling off Tevez, really not getting on with him unfortunately.

Sorreh Timmeh :(
Has anyone else got on properly with Tevez, and if so, what formation?

I've got one and I chuck him between my 4-1-2-1-2 and 4-3-3, and I just can't seem to be getting him firing.

I'm considering creating another new team for a 4-4-2 as well if I end up selling off Tevez, really not getting on with him unfortunately.

Sorreh Timmeh :(

I played him in 3-5-2 and 4-5-1. Worked well in both. Left sided CAM.
I've tried him as a CAM in my Argie side and just wasn't doing the business, wasn't tall enough to keep it going for me so I went back to Pastore.

I only chuck him on now in my EPL 4-3-3 and that's because i've not bought a full bench yet, so he just gets stuck wherever someone is tired! (Apart from Def of course)
Ah, he's good to have as a second CAM on the pitch, IMO. But if you only have one (4-1-2-1-2) and want to hump the ball to him, he's less useful
Has anyone else got on properly with Tevez, and if so, what formation?

I've got one and I chuck him between my 4-1-2-1-2 and 4-3-3, and I just can't seem to be getting him firing.

I'm considering creating another new team for a 4-4-2 as well if I end up selling off Tevez, really not getting on with him unfortunately.

Sorreh Timmeh :(

Don't be sorry, I just can't gel with him either, same as Rooney, I think any premiership player that still looksmmore like a primate than a human doesn't work for me!
Ok, so I ****ing LOVE Rossi. Scored 2 SCREAMERS, on his first match but also got injured :@. How do you save goal replays from online games? I thought it would be in the match highlights but it wasnt :@.


Currently my squad, i need to get jurado into position via cards (Or replace), and I dont think I can get pedro into CAM position from CAM can I? I found a LW>LM card but then couldn't find any LM to CAM or CM, do they exist?

Anyone got any suggestions to my next move? I was thinking maybe Reina? Or save for alonso or pique or something?
Ok WTF. I put a trade offer in for Ribery of 18000 coins plus UP nani. The time expired on it but I dont have my coins back and nani has gone. No where to be seen :confused:
Got about 10K Coins now, Christ! it seems I'll never get anywhere without buying MS Points :|

I'm in your position too pretty much, started a week or so ago. Gradually built a good team and now learning player values and making a profit pretty regularly.

I think I'm gonna by david silva tonight hopefully
Thinking of going Lampard Essien Gerrard as my midfield 3 of my 433. Unless anyone can suggest something different around similar prices (or less).
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