*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

Andy what a game there mate. Im so pleased I had reina in goal.

Was utterly devestated when you went 3-1 up in E.T after scoring in the 90th minute. Pens are just luck of the draw to be honest
Andy what a game there mate. Im so pleased I had reina in goal.

Was utterly devestated when you went 3-1 up in E.T after scoring in the 90th minute. Pens are just luck of the draw to be honest

I didn't have much luck in that game :( my passing was shocking. I knew you'd equalise when the soft as **** penalty was given, what the hell was that about.

Good game anyway :)

Anyone else?
I think it was given because he went to shoot and when he lifted his leg someone caught him. It was soft like but hey, when your desperate you take what you get. You should have won the amount of pressure you had on me. If it wasnt for reinas saves i would have been screwed
I usually hate playing against Puyol and Pique. Llorente has just made mince meat of them. Wins most headers, great as a target man. The IF Carroll must be insane to defend against.
Good game Roband. Team couldnt put two passes together there. Proper ****.

Only one question though. How on earth were Naldo and Ballack catching young and agbonlahore? there no where near as fast
Not sure mate. First game I played with that side, fairly happy with them! Naldo scOring TWO! ;)
just lost to andy, but only 2-1 and I had loadsa chances to equalise!
IMO I would say Robben. Unbelievable

I've found, personally, that Robben is a little hit and miss. Kinda like Torres. Sometimes he plays well, by mostly he plays godawful. Maybe it's just me.

I do prefer Messi, although arguably he's not incredibly strong, but if you can play him well enough, he more than makes up with it with his pace and skill.
Not sure mate. First game I played with that side, fairly happy with them! Naldo scOring TWO! ;)
just lost to andy, but only 2-1 and I had loadsa chances to equalise!

Loads of chances! You had one at the end! I was comfortable at 2-0 then of course I go and concede a corner like I do every game.

Oh and don't forget to thank me for not scoring when you threw it out to me :p
I've found, personally, that Robben is a little hit and miss. Kinda like Torres. Sometimes he plays well, by mostly he plays godawful. Maybe it's just me.

I do prefer Messi, although arguably he's not incredibly strong, but if you can play him well enough, he more than makes up with it with his pace and skill.

I sold Messi, he's just underpowered, not really that fast or strong. Shame he doesn't have the influence as he does in RL or like Ronaldo does on this game.

Who is the best defensive CM in the EPL? Who sits there and just defends, don't want an attacker. I was thinking IF Parker?
I just had a great game online, without a doubt my best game ever.

Rooney and Torres BOTH got injured in the first 20 mins, I subbed them for Balotelli and Dzeko and they both ran riot!

3 - 0 in the end, Balo 2 Dzeko 1, both assisting each other.
I just had a great game online, without a doubt my best game ever.

Rooney and Torres BOTH got injured in the first 20 mins, I subbed them for Balotelli and Dzeko and they both ran riot!

3 - 0 in the end, Balo 2 Dzeko 1, both assisting each other.

You have Rooney and the best game you've ever had is a 3-0 win?! That surprises me!
Also I have a Sunderland Away strip if anyone wants it? Its not selling and well its sunderland so im not putting it into my club. Thought Id ask before I discard it!!
I play 433.
Unless of course i moved RVP to RW/LW. He can cut in then and has a decent cross for Dzeko.
Loads of chances! You had one at the end! I was comfortable at 2-0 then of course I go and concede a corner like I do every game.

Oh and don't forget to thank me for not scoring when you threw it out to me :p

I meant to mention that actually. You're a kind man
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