*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

UP Ozil > UP Aguero on the wings (4222 CAM)

Aguero has better pace on his card, better in game accel and top speed, yet when i use both players, Ozil is a lot faster, I dont know how this is possible, it may be down to ball control or something, but i think Aguero is keeping the ball closer to his feet which is slowing him down, whereas Ozil lets it run a bit further away slightly.

So i switched the sides they play on, and Ozil has been lightning quick and Aguero has been slow and bullied easily.

Ozil is now my fast pacey CAM who i use to cross with and Aguero is now my cut in and shoot CAM on the left side.

I managed to bag a spanish in form player with 90 pace in la liga bbva for less than 5K, noticed he goes for around 20K in ST position but he was CAM, so i changed his formation for 5K, and im going to try him out, if he's good, i will put Ozil back on the left, keep this new guy on the right and have two crossers, sell Aguero and save up for Kaka to replace Ozil.

This guy only has pace so he will provide me with nothing but the ability to get down the wing fast and cross.

Forlan has been a joke when it comes to headers, is Higuain good at them?
What's with the Tesco Value connection Rob?

And why the **** can't I defend crosses :(

Don't think it's mine mate :( Xbox is the only device online, other than the PC which isn't doing anything.
Router only reset an hour ago too.

Also, gg. I think I deserved more, but I play so much worse in snowy conditions. Those thru=balls which are perfect in the dry just skid off :(((((

I now officially hate IF Gomez as well as IF Klose ;)

Kill, I'll give you a game if Andy hasn't already offered
Don't think it's mine mate :( Xbox is the only device online, other than the PC which isn't doing anything.
Router only reset an hour ago too.

Also, gg. I think I deserved more, but I play so much worse in snowy conditions. Those thru=balls which are perfect in the dry just skid off :(((((

I now officially hate IF Gomez as well as IF Klose ;)

Kill, I'll give you a game if Andy hasn't already offered

Well I had an online tounry and now playing Kill with a flawless connection so you might wanna check your end ;)

GG anyway, think I had another gear if things got sticky but kept trying the mad shots which could have cost me :)
Really loving Tevez as ST in a 433 with SWP and Adam Johnson but i cant help thinking about selling and using the money for my Serie A team.
I have Dzeko and Bent on the bench but...
I suck at finding bargains. I spend ages going to the 1 hour mark but there must be thousands of people there already because I dont find **** :( What gives?
I suck at finding bargains. I spend ages going to the 1 hour mark but there must be thousands of people there already because I dont find **** :( What gives?

Go and watch the next ten auctions of a popular player, Young or Walcott or whoever, then see what sort of price they're going for, then go to your search filters and search for like 1K under or whatever you feel will be attainable, then just stick a BIN for whatever you feel reasonable based on the last 10 that you just watched. Sometimes works for me but I'm no master trader.
be quiet do you haha :p, its about 50/50, ive beat you a couple of times, and youve beat me a couple.

Actually I'm sad enough to know you've beat me once and that was with that atrocious EPL side I had when I was testing 4222 so do one :p

Game? You can beat me now!
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