*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

i used to have fun beating people with accrington stanley and crewe, the joy in that :p

have i played you yet ?

im on ps3, so i dont think so.

i played someone with a full hull team once and he was amazing, took me deep into the second half to score, im usually quite a few up by then, was a hard game, he must use that team because hes so good and the only way to get any fun out of the game.
im on ps3, so i dont think so.

i played someone with a full hull team once and he was amazing, took me deep into the second half to score, im usually quite a few up by then, was a hard game, he must use that team because hes so good and the only way to get any fun out of the game.

obviously not then, i forget that there is actualy other console's other than a 360 ;):p
obviously not then, i forget that there is actualy other console's other than a 360 ;):p

theres a lot of ps3 hate in this thread, im no fanboy and ive had

master system
mega drive 2
another ps2 for my bro
xbox 360

in that order i think (not to sure about wii before or after ps3).

the fact my 360 died like 3 times on me and that online is free for ps3 has swayed me to ps3 for everything now. my bro plays the 360, wii never gets used.

so im gonna stick with ps3 from now on. nintendo is a more a girly console, 360 would have been my first choice had it not had so many issues, i love the online aspect of 360, its a great community and everyone has headsets.

every console has its advantages and disadvantages, sony really should take some tips from microsoft and encorporate a headset into controller, or give a decent bluetooth headset away with every console, they dont look at the bigger picture some times.

microsoft should make online gaming free or cheaper, to compete with sony's offering, and make sure any future consoles arent borked.

if my 360 hadnt died so many times, i'd be playing on xbox for sure.

i actualy do forget though :p, ive only had 1 xbox crash on me since its release, not too bad compared to some people, probably been lucky, but with the xbox theres too many things that contribute to its life, room temprature and where you place your battery pack and rubbish like that.
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yeah i know - its fun to play against.

ive only had 1 guy with 3 at the back hold out for longer than a half. its suicide with 3 at the back.

im looking at 3 at the back,

IF Luiz, IF Kompany, IF Onouha
IF Luiz, IF Vidic, IF Onouha
IF Onouha, IF Vidic, IF Kompany

Which one do you reckon ?, in my opinion Kompany is the best CB in the game so i dont think id replace him.
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Ramos and Pique for the backline?

or Forlan up front or higuain.

Adebayor was poor when i had him.

Humm I'm really liking Adebayor, hes strong and not bad at dribbling. I have played Forlan in athletico madrid and I dunno, he doesnt seem that good for the price! I love Aguero so don't wanna change him. Might try pick up ramos
Well, the regular Luiz is a beast, I don't really rate Vidic as I've never had any troubles playing against him, so I'd go for the first option.

I think that that team is slightly insane. How on earth do you have all those players that are so good?

If that question is to me, then it's a mixture of winning games/trophies, selling players at a profit and being a little lucky in getting some rare IFs. (89 Rooney on the day the new TotW was announced, and sold him for mucho)
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im looking at 3 at the back,

IF Luiz, IF Kompany, IF Onouha
IF Luiz, IF Vidic, IF Onouha
IF Onouha, IF Vidic, IF Kompany

Which one do you reckon ?, in my opinion Kompany is the best CB in the game so i dont think id replace him.

The only way 3 at the back ever works is if you have very fast CB's or LB and RB's in the 2 wide positions, and a strong tall CB in the middle position.

Personally, if i had the choice 4 defenders but if i had to go with 3.

IF Onohua -- IF Vidic -- IF Kompany


IF Abidal -- IF Pique -- IF Ramos

are there any decent IF LB or RB's in the EPL? that would beat Kompany or Onohua?
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