It's really annoying, I did a quick reboot and tried the new Tomb Raider game and that ran flawlessly despite looking absolutely epic! GTA however is just really stuttery, I did update my Geforce drivers at the same time before gaming so one or the other is doing something silly in GTA.
I'll roll back the lot and hopefully be back running a solid 60fps
It was strange though, it wasn't even slowdown in FPS, just a constant jittering as though it was dropping frames. Felt like I'd been drinking it was making my eyes go funny lol.
I have no idea who those two guys were, never seen them in the GTA:O roster and never seen them online either
the killer was their 'its making OCUK look bad' comment and then immediately asking for money.
Would definitely love to do some Drop Zone this weekend, and even the slasher/beast mode - they look pretty cool on Youtube.