Hold up there chief! What?I only use the belt for squats. It helps with my form and directs more of the stress to my thighs, where I want it.
A belt will not be doing anything for your form. If it is, you're doing something wrong.
Hold up there chief! What?I only use the belt for squats. It helps with my form and directs more of the stress to my thighs, where I want it.
Bros, where the cheapest place to buy weight plates from? i need 2 x 20kg, 2 x 10kg and maybe 2 x 7.5kg to fit a standard bar
Hey thanks mate, im going to order that today
If possible grab some 2.5kg + 1.25kg plates too - come in quite handy
Yup, 1.25 plates are ultra handy for the more humbling lifts like OHP, I'd hate to be progressing in 5KG increments!
40kgs my OHP limit too, did hit 50 once and took a trip to snap city!
Well, the time has come to dismantle the home gym. It's not been used for about 8mths now and i'm back as a gym member at the local hotel which i'm enjoying more than i did working out alone. Not sure if it's against the rules, but the kit i have is listed below, wondered what I should be looking at 2nd hand for it, no dinks or dings as i'm a bit OCD. I've already got a mate who is interested, but i havent really got a clue about 2nd hand value of this type of kit:
Bodycraft F430 Power Rack
Bodycraft F602 Bench
Oly bar, oly dumbells (a right pita to use!), oly e-z curl with 140kg weights
Vision X1500 X-Trainer
Punch Bag/Speed bag
Floor Matting