Any recommendations for floor protection, at the moment I do dead lifts etc straight from a first floor flat, carpeted concrete floor and if I drop it I'm almost certain it would cause damage, any suggestions on how I can protect it or at least reduce the chance of damage.
I bought 2 17mm mats from here
Really good solid heavy duty mats, nice a heavy so they don't move and the surface is quite smooth. Delivery was quick but I ordered over £100 so got free delivery on their web site but if you buy off the same shop but on ebay or amazon its free post anyway.
I also recently bought a 17mm and 10mm mat from here
Delivery was free and quick and the mats are still very good but not as solid as the above but still good quality and a lot cheaper.
The mats came form both companies rolled up and taped and the fist lot felt stiff when I picked them up and really heavy whereas the cheaper ones had more flex in them and were slightly lighter. The first ones when you take a look at the 17mm edge are one solid piece of rubber whereas the second set it looks like (approx) 10mm and then 7 mmm glued on top, my guess is its because they sell a range of mats with different surfaces whereas the first company only sell the one type of mats. The first mats are a smooth surface, the second ones are an amoebic surface so a bit more grip but not flat. I don't think any of this make much difference as both are good quality I'm just pointing things out. For me I prefer the first ones as they feel solid but they are pricey. I have the 2 I bought from FSS where I dead lift, squat etc and the other one near my dumbbells. I bought the 10mm to cover the rest of the flooring.